Part 4

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Chapter 6

"I Hope she doesn't get into trouble while i'm gone." I say to myself. I left the bunker to check if there were any lingering zombies. There was one or two along the way but i took care of them, I needed to get out. There wasn't much gause left and not much to do. Ever since the army came through this area, there was a noticeable drop in zombies. I quickly and quietly made my way to the pharmacy. There was a few gause rolls and a few first aid kits. I also stopped by a gas station and grabbed some food. Those two stops took about an hour combined, but only a few zombies surprisingly. My final stop was the library, I grabbed a few books and notepads. I also grabbed some pens and pencils.

As I was turning a corner I came face to face with two zombies, normally that wouldn't be an issue, but they caught me off- guard and I barley had any time to grab my bat before they attacked. The first one came running at me ready to strike while the second has a twisted leg, so it was slower. I fiercely swung at the first zombie and knocked it to the ground. I ran at the second and killed it, I saw the first zombie starting to get up and I just tried to sneak away.

It worked, and before I knew it, I was back at the school. I had to get through a few zombies, and then I got to the bunker. I opened the door and locked It behind me. When i turned around I was face- to- face with an angry Marissa. "WHERE THE HECK WERE YOU?!" She yelled. "Woah, calm down, you need to be in bed." I told her. She defiantly sat down and continued to yell, "WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME THAT YOU WERE LEAVING?!" She shouted. "Because I didn't want to wake you." I replied. "I WAS WORRIED SICK!" She screeched.

Chapter 7

I gasp and clap my good hand over my mouth. WHAT DID I JUST SAY? "You were worried about me?" Lawrence asked in shock. "NO!" I yell "I was worried that I wouldn't survive if you didn't come back!" Oh god. I just made this 100x worse. "You depend on me?" Lawrence asked? "I have a broken arm and i'm sick, I can't really take care of myself completely..." I wince as I say it. "So you think I'm a good caretaker?" Lawrence asked. I should just stop talking. I lay down and roll over.

"I brought back more books for you." He explains. He did? Wow... that was... sweet. Nope. No. No. Stop it Marissa. He's a manipulative monster. He'll do anything to get you to like him. "Cool." I say. I hear him putting things away, just how much stuff did he bring back? Then he sits down next to the makeshift bed. "I could read you a different book." He offers. I just stay quiet. He sighs and I hear him scribbling on his paper again.

I started to get a little hungry but I didn't want to ask for food- I don't need his help. "Hungry?" His words startled me. Did he read my mind?! "Erm, kind of" I reply. He tries to help me sit up but I protest and tell him that I can do It myself. I try, but fail. So he does have to help. Ugh I feel so useless. We eat and he offers to read to me again. I just stay quiet... again. Days go bye and it's pretty much the same, We barley talk, he helps me do pretty much everything, I get annoyed, he either draws or reads to himself.

About two weeks later I'm feeling better, I wake up and my head doen't hurt and my body doesn't ache. Except my arm, but that will take a little more time. I'm so glad that I can be independent again! I wake Lawrence up, "Lawrence." He wakes up quickly. "What?" He asks, looking worried. "I'm feeling better now!" I exclaim. "Are you sure?" He checks my temperature and pulse. "I'm fine Lawrence." I tell him as I pull away. "I'm just making sure." He says.

I get up for the first time in a few weeks and wobble around until Lawrence steadies me. I slowly sit in my corner. "Do you need anything? Water? Food? A book maybe?" Lawrence asks worriedly. "Lawrence I'm fine, so stop worrying about me." I express. He looks at me with worry still in his eyes, and sits down in his corner. I don't know how much longer I can stay here, but i can't leave. I kinda hope I'm lucky enough for someone to find us.

A Half of a Whole (DangerousFellows fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now