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Chapter 20

I lead her up to the rooftop where I set out a few blankets and lanterns. "Wow! This view is gorgeous!" She exclaims. "I'm glad you like it." I express. "Why are you being so nice all of a sudden?" She turns and asks me. "Well, I wanted you to be happy. Whatever It takes." I explain. "Hehehe ok..." she says. We talk for a while and it's actually going really well. Were joking and having fun. Then the Sun has almost set completely and it's dangerous to be out after dark. "So, you seriously never had a girlfriend?" She asked. "Nope- never." I answer. "I guess thats one thing we have in common huh?" I say. She giggles, "Yeah, sometimes I wonder what it would be like to have a boyfriend.

"I've wondered that to." I say, She gives me a strange look. "About girls- I mean." I fluster. She laughs. "Yeah, I just hope someday i'll meet someone." She sighs. It's time. "Well I'm someone." I say. She turns to me with a surprised look- "What?" She's baffled. "You know I like you." I say. "Yeah?" She replies. "We could be together." She's speechless- "But- I- You-" She can't even piece together a sentence. "We're so different..." She finally says. "Well you know the saying, opposites attract, and I mean there aren't many options In the zombie apocalypse." I point out. She snorts, "I guess you're right." "So, wanna give us a chance?" I ask. She's silent for a while... "Sure". "I- wait what?" I'm stunned. "I said sure you big idiot." she laughs and then pulls my head down for a kiss...


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2020 ⏰

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