Part 3

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Chapter 4

I watch as she hurriedly walks over to her corner and balls up- hiding her face. I don't mind, she hugged me back and thats all that matters. I sit in the opposite corner and continue working on my piece of paper. A few hours pass and although I can't tell the time I start to feel tired. I put away the paper and pull out a sleeping bag. Marissa hears the rustling and looks up. "Oh- you're going to sleep?" She asks. "Yep, are you going to bed? You haven't slept in weeks." I ask. Instead on answering she just looks away and sighs. I'm assuming that's a no.

"Are you at least going to eat something? You're going to starve eventually." She just shakes her head. I can't force her to eat. I just have to hope she'll come around. "Please Marissa, I can't lose you." I beg. She scoffs and turns around. "What do you care?" She retorts. "You know I care." I reply, and you need to eat. Or you'll starve yourself. "Good" she says. "Then I'll finally be out of here." That hurt- a lot. I try my best to be nice and take care of her. I'm just going to bed.

The next morning, or so i assume, I wake up to coughing. I sit up quickly and see Marrisa curled up on the floor coughing. I rush to her side, "Marissa! Are you alright?" I say in a worried tone. She stops coughing, sits up, and glares at my hand on her side. "I'm- fine" she asserts as she stands up weakly. Then, her eyes close and she collapses. "Marissa?!" I exclaim, she must finally be having side affects for not taking care of herself. I told her this would happen. She was still defiant.

I quickly stack some sleeping bags and blankets to create a make- shift bed. I gently lay her on the makeshift bed and grab some water. I sit her up and pour it in her mouth. "Please wake up." I beg. I check her pulse. Still alive. "Thank goodness." I just hope she stays that way. I feel her forehead, it's hot. I grab a cloth and dampen it with water to put on her head.

Chapter 5

My eyes flutter open, I have no memory of what happened other than I collapsed and woke up in this- bed? I look over and see Lawrence asleep on the floor next to the makeshift bed. Did he- did he do this? I sit up and feel a shooting pain in my head. "Ugh!" I moan as I hold my head. Lawrence bolts up and looks at me. His eyes are suddenly bright and he smiles, "You're awake!" He exclaims. He kneels next to me and hugs me. "Ow!" I exclaim as I feel my arm being squished, It shouldn't hurt this bad... Lawrence stopped hugging me. "Sorry." He looks at my arm, which is swollen, and winces. I sigh, "I fell on it didn't I." He nods. "Ugh my head hurts so bad..." I groan. "I told you you needed to eat." He asserts.

I just sigh. He hands me a bread roll and a water bottle, "Eat." He states. It's not a suggestion. I eat slowly as Lawrence wraps up my arm in gause and feels my forehead. "Are you feeling ok?" He asks. I don't want to show weakness, but he's the only one that can help- "No, my head hurts, a lot." I reply. "Alright." He says as he looks in the first aid kits. My head starts to hurt even more- "OWWW" I exclaim and lay back down. "Aha!" Lawrence grabs an orange bottle. "Painkillers" Lawrence tells me. "Take these" He puts two pills in my hand, I don't really trust him- but if i don't have to feel my headache anymore... I take the pills.

He starts pacing across the room. "What are you doing?" I ask. "This is my fault" he rushes, "I should have warned you more, I should have made you eat-" "Lawrence, calm down, it's not your falt." I say. "It's mine for not eating". He looks at me with a sad smile and sits next to the makeshift bed. I pat his head with the best of my ability, he's still tall sitting down. He chuckles, grabs my hand, and holds it. "Hey!" I exclaim, but i'm too weak to pull away and he knows it. I huff.

About an hour has gone by (or so it feels like) and my headache is a bit better. He's still holding my hand- but he fell asleep about 20 minutes ago. He's kinda cute when he's asleep... NO! What was that?! No. no. no. no. no. He's not that cute! I still can't pull my arm away, it hurts too much, but I can't wake him up... I doze off as i'm thinking. A while later i wake up, my arm is back and I see Lawrence scribbling again, yet he hasn't left my side.
"What are you drawing?" I ask. "Nothing" He replies- again. "Come on- why can't I see it?" I ask, I'm not giving up. "It's private, and it's not done" he explains. "Oh" I say. I feel so helpless, now more than ever- I'm in pain, I can barely move, and I just feel vulnerable. I can't even do anything to keep me busy either. Although there isn't much... there's a book or two- and some scattered paper, but I can't draw and I can't hold up a book. I sigh and roll over. I can feel Lawrence's gaze. "Are you bored?" he asked. "Kinda?" I say, I don't wanna sound desperate. "I can read you a book." He suggests, my face flushes. "No no- I don't wanna trouble you-"
"It's no trouble." He assures me. "What book do you want to read?" He asks. "Errr-" I feel really awkward for some reason. "How about this one?"

I turn around and look at the book he's holding- Romeo and Juliette. It's a romance book and he darn well knows it. I glare at him as he sits down. He glances at me, "Not a fan of Shakespeare?" He asks. "You know gosh darn well why I'm not a fan." I retort. He grins and opens the book. As he reads I feel better, i'm not sure if it's his voice or just, the book. NO. It's the book, IT'S THE BOOK. He reads for a while, and then my stomach growls. "Hungry?" He asks. I know I have to eat to get better. "Yes" I grumble. He helps me sit up and hand me some food and I eat. After that I just sit there, and Lawrence goes back to drawing. Somewhere along the way I dozed off, just thinking. A little while later I wake up and Lawrence is gone!

A Half of a Whole (DangerousFellows fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now