Part 9

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Chapter 16

    He apologizes. Sure, just like all the other times he apologized. I admit I went a little over the top, but all he did was add to it. This is why I can't like him, he's deceitful and manipulative, and he always has to be right. (He usually is though). He's so annoying, but I can't hate him. I don't know why, I just can't. His smile isn't nice, or warm, it's cold. I flinch and go back to my ball. "Please don't." I hear Lawrence say. I look up at him. "Don't hide again." He clarifies. I don't want to listen, but I just feel compelled to. I sit up straight and look at him.

    "That's better." He says with a little bit of a warmer smile. I look away, I feel so confined in this tiny room. "Let's go outside together." "Wait- what?" I look at him shocked. "I said, lets go outside together." He repeats. I almost cry tears of joy. "Really?!" "Yes. You clearly need to go outside, it will improve your mood." It's morbid- but true. "Ok." I say.

    He, of course, laid out rules. Don't stray to far, don't run away, If you see a zombie let him handle it, still carry around your bat in case of emergencies. Stay safe. I might not be able to get away, but at least I can go outside! He opens the door, and heads out first. I wonder if Harry stuck around, probably not, it's been weeks. We walked quietly out of the basement and checked for zombies, nothing so far.

    We make it out of the school grounds and are now in the town, I can tell that Lawrence isn't happy. We walk for a little while, no zombies. Then we hear a can being knocked over. Lawrence shushes me and we creep towards the sound. Then we hear- mumbling? "Crap- why am I such a clutz" we hear a voice complain. Wait- I recognise that voice... I take a few steps around the corner. Lawrence gives me a death stare. I mouth "It's fine" and keep moving. It's dark and I can only hear low mumbles and light footsteps. "Hello?" I whisper. Then I feel a hand grab me and pull me into the dark, and I hear Lawrence curse as I disappear.

                    Chapter 17

    I can tell the hand is human- but a small "AHH-" comes out before a hand covers my mouth. "MmPh" I say under the hand. "Are you infected?" I hear a voice say. I shake my head no. Then, they open a door and im dragged in. There's a dim light. And no zombies from what i see. All I can see is a grey sleeve. "Mmph" I say again. "Oh right. Just don't scream." They explain. The let me go and I whip around and come face to face with-
"Eugene?!" I exclaim. "Marissa?" Eugene says. "OH. MY. GOSH. How did you survive?!" I ask. "Luck?" He says. "I'm so happy to see you!" I exclaim. I wrap him in a big hug. "Woah, Ok then" He hugs me back.

    Suddenly the door swings open and Lawrence comes bursting into the room bat raised towards Eugene. I fling myself in front of him. "Woah woah woah! Stop!" I shout. Lawrence sees me and stops. Then he looks at Eugene. A look if pure hatred crosses his face. "How are you alive too?! He demands. Luck? He wavers just a bit under Lawrence's gaze. "Marissa we're going back." Lawrence orders. "What?" I don't wanna leave Eugene. "Now." He asserts. "O-ok" I waver, "B-bye Eugene" I choke back tears as Lawrence shuts the door. He dragged me away and back to the school.
    When we get back in the basement, Lawrence Is murmuring to himself, I just sit there, I'm glad Eugene is alive, but I only got a minute with him. Lawrence starts fiddling with his knife while he's pacing. I get up and grab his shoulders. "Lawrence. Are you ok?" "I'm fine." He lies. "No, you're upset about Eugene. Right?" I assert. "Yes." He states. "Look. it's ok, Eugene isn't here, so stop playing with- your knife. You might hurt yourself." I Explain.

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