Part 5

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Chapter 8

A few days go bye with little communication. I'm still hoping that maybe someone will find us... I can't stand his obsessive worrying. Suddenly, I hear footsteps in the hallway. I immediately get up. Lawrence hears it too, he grabs me by the shoulders and leads me to the back corner. "Stay here, It's probably a zombie." He says, but I know that those are human footsteps. Lawrence does too. I see a glint of something in his hand... A KNIFE?! He quietly and quicky opens the door and tries to close it but I get out before he closes it. "Get back in there." He half- whispers. His words were firm but I wan't budging. "No." I say and walk down the hallway carefully.

I was about to turn a corner when Lawrence grabs me and sorta gently pushes back and walks ahead. No! I can't let him hurt that person! I see him round the corner- then I hear a gasp. I run over and see- "Harry?!" I exclaim. "Harry..." Lawrence grits his teeth. "MARISSA!" Harry exclaims as he starts to walk over. "No." I say to Harry, I step in front of Lawrence. Then I feel Lawrence grab me and cover my mouth "How are you alive Harry." Lawrence demands. "Erm- I just ran fast enough?" He asks warily.

I struggle against Lawrence's strong grip, but it's no use. I see him holding the knife under his coat. I vigorously shake my head no, but of course he doesn't see it because he's focused on Harry. Like a Shark. "What do you mean." Lawrence urges. "I just got lucky I guess. I came back In hopes you survived." Harry's gaze turned to me and he smiles softly. I see Lawrence's grip tighten on the knife. I try prying his hand off of my face. "Lawrence....Why aren't you letting go of Marissa?" Harry asks.

I keep on shaking my head. Please Harry just go! Lawrence gets closer to Harry, I am NOT letting him kill Harry! I kick my back leg into Lawrence's knee and he lets go. "Run Harry!" I yell. "What about you?" Harry asks. "I don't-" I'm cut off as Lawrence grabs my wrist. "Harry, go." I plead. He looks at, me sadly and I nod. He leaves. "AHH!" I scream when Lawrence grabs me and drags me back to the tiny room.

He locks the door and then gives me the coldest glare I have ever seen. I melt against the wall, i've never wanted to disappear more in my whole life. I just curl up on the floor and wait to die. Instead, Lawrence grabs me and pulls me up firmly. "I- I-" I can't speak- I'm terrified.

Chapter 9

I look into the sad, helpless, terrified eyes of Marissa. Not knowing what to say. "You shouldn't have done that" Thats all I could say. "I- I couldn't l-let you kill Harry." She states in a wavery voice. She's actually terrified right now. "You didn't leave." I say. "Umm" she chokes back tears. "I- um" she can't even piece together a sentence. I let her go. She immediately drops to the floor and starts crying. "I'm not going to hurt you." I assure her. She doesn't stop.

I can't really comfort her- she already hates me, and she did kick me in the knee. I stand there and wait, and wait, and wait until she stops crying. "I- I'm sorry for kicking you..." She says. "No, you're not." I assert. "Umm, I- yea, you're right. " She admits. "I couldn't let you kill Harry." She stands up and looks me in the eye, but she can't utter another word. "I know, I didn't expect you to sit back and watch as I kill him." I explain. "Why did you try?" She asks. "He might have found us." I say plainly.

"Would that have been so bad?" She argues. "He could've-" "What?" I cut in, "He could have what, saved you from the "heartless monster"?" I respond. "Because It's so horrible to be stuck with me." "No, it's not like that-" She tries to explain but I'm done with her excuses. "Yes it is. You hate me. You think I'm a monster." I protest. "You want to leave." "Y-yes." she admits. "Without me you would've been dead." I point out. "I WOULD HAVE BEEN ALIVE AND WELL WITH MY FRIENDS IF YOU DIDN'T EXIST AT ALL!" She bursts. I'm stunned. I can't believe she hates me that much. I sit in my corner and bury my face in my hands, I saved her, I took care of her, I tried my best to make her smile. And what do I get? The fact that she wishes I was never born.

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