Part 10

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Chapter 18

    It's so cute how worried she is. I just grin at her. "I'm serious. Did you even listen to me?!" She asks. "Alright I'll stop worrying." I tell her. "We both know that's impossible for you." She jokes. I chuckle. "Seriously, It's ok." She assures me. "And thank you for letting me leave." She smiles. I can't help but smile back.

    "So now what?" She asks. They step closer and look at each other. She gest closer and... "EUGENE WHAT THE HELL?!" My eyes open to the cold hard floor. "Oops." Eugene says. "WHAT DID YOU DO THAT FOR?!"
"I'm sorry! I panicked!" Eugene flushed. Marissa looks at me and notices that i'm awake. "Lawrence! Are you ok?!" She crouched down and looked at my head. I see Eugene holding a wooden board. "You look ok" She says. "How are you feeling?" "In pain but other than that fine." I reply. "Good." She tries to help me up but my size is making it difficult.

    "EUGENE GET YOUR BUTT OVER HERE AND HELP ME!" Marissa demands. "OK geez." Eugene retorts. "Don't stab him." Marissa whispers to me. Eugene also struggles but together they help me up. "Sorry about that." Eugene apologizes. I glare at him. "Did he hurt you?" I ask Marissa as i cup her face in my hands. "I'm fine." She asserts as she moves my hands back. I look out of a partially- boarded window to see that the sun is setting. "We should go." I tell her. "Alright, bye Eugene" she says sadly. "Bye" He says back. We make our way back to the bunker.

Chapter     19

    As we walk back, I get to watch the sunset. It looks so beautiful, "Lawrence are you sure your ok? Eugene hit you kinda hard." I ask. "I told you, I'm fine." He assures me. When we get back, I sigh, not knowing when i'll see the sun again... Lawrence can tell I'm bothered. "What's wrong?" He asks. "I don't know when I'll be able to see the sunset again." I answer truthfully. "Well maybe I can take you out again tomorrow?" He offered. "Really?" I'm buzzing with excitement! "Sure." He says. YAY! Inside is so boring. "I'm gonna go to bed now." I say. "Me too." he replies.

    The next morning (Or so I assume), I actually wake up happy! I eat and grab a book while I wait for Lawrence to wake up, he usually is up before me. I wonder if maybe he didn't sleep well? A little while later, Lawrence wakes up. "Morning!" I say smiling. He looks confused and replies, "Good Morning. You're really happy." "Yep! I can't wait to go outside again!" I exclaim. "That's- unusual." He says. "I've always loved nature... My grandparents lived in the woods and we visited often." I explained. "Wow, that sounds wonderful." He says.

    "So, when are we going?" I ask. "Uhh what time is it?" He asked. "Around noon I think, maybe later." I reply. "We're going at sunset." He says. "Ok, cool." I exclaim. A few hours pass and I can hardly wait! Finally, Lawrence comes back from the time check. "Its sunset, let's go." Lawrence tells me. I get up and eagerly follow him out. We go out in the town again and Lawrence leads me to a rooftop where we can watch the sunset.

A Half of a Whole (DangerousFellows fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now