Part 8

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Chapter 14

     The way he was talking made him sound so sure that he'll get his fist kiss, I wonder if he had a school crush. He avoids eye contact. I've never seen him so nervous. "Are you alright?" I ask. He jumps again "Im fine." he asserts. He's not fine. "Ok then- what if we play a game?" I offer. "What kind of game?" He questions. "How about, Truth or Dare, but just truths because were pretty much in a broom closet." I ask. He looks at me suspiciously and then says, "Alright." "So would you like to ask me first?" I offer, I don't wanna make my plan too obvious. "Sure." He accepted. "So- have you ever... had a crush on someone?" He asked. "Yes- I have. My turn." "Hmmmm have you ever had a crush on someone at your school?" I ask. "No." Lawrence replied, "My parents wanted me to focus on school." "Oh, yeah." "Anyway my turn. Did you develop a crush on any of the people in our survival group? That includes me." "UHHHHH". I started to blush. "Maybe?" "Yes or no" He pressed. "I guess so." I replied. "How about you Lawrence? Anyone in our group?" "Yes" she said with to falter at all. "Ok then- your turn." "Who did you like?" He asked. "UHH th-thats a little personal... I don't really wanna talk about it..." He is really going all in, honestly thats kinda cool.

    "I'd rather not say." I tell him. "I don't wanna make it awkward." "Well thats fair- you know who I like- so don't waste your question." God- I'm so stupid. How could I forget. HE'S A FRICKIN YANDERE OVER ME. Ok- just calm down. "I actually don't wanna play anymore." I tell him. "Alright." He sighs, and walks back to his corner. I wonder If, because Harry survived, if others did too... my thoughts start to wander- wondering if he's alive. I hope I can see- "Uhm Marissa?" Lawrence asked. "Huh? Oh, yea?" "Why are you blushing so much?" He asks "What?" Oh right, I was thinking about- "I'm not blushing." The words came out to fast for me to stop.

    He gives me a suspicious look. "Yes, you were." He asserts. 'Errrrrrr uhh." I can't find the words. "Were you thinking about someone?" He asks. "Yes." I admit. "Was it the person you didn't want to talk about?" "Obviously!" I shout. "Oops, sorry." He stares at me with curiosity. I grab a candy bar and fiddle with it. "Why don't you want to talk about them?" he asks, "They're probably dead anyway." I choke down tears as he says it, but i cry anyway. "Oh, I mean, maybe not?" He remarks. "No," I say, "you're probably right." He walks over to me and sits down, i'm sorry.

    No. He isn't. It's his fault they're gone and he knows it, but I can't help seeking comfort from him. I hug him and keep crying.

                    Chapter 15

    I'm not quite sure how to comfort her, because no, i'm not sorry they're gone. I'm sorry that she's sad about it. I let her hug me as she cries. I rest my head on hers. "It's alright." I say, "Everything is going to be fine." She sits there for a few minutes, then finally brings her head up and looks at me. "Why do you do this to me?" She asks. "What?" I ask. "You, you tell me everything is going to be okay, but were in a small closet in the middle of a zombie apocalypse!" She cries. "Nothing about this is ok!" She looks at me with her tear filled eyes, "And, the person I loved, is dead!" She yelled. "Well if he's dead then why don't you just tell me who it is?" I push. "Because he would've told me that I don't have to listen to you! And that it's none of your business!" She yells even louder.

    I sigh, "Did he ever actually say that?" I ask. "Maybe he did, maybe not." She retorts. "Well I bet he's real proud of you for standing up to me!" I shout. "I bet you're precious Eugene just loved to tell you all about independence and sarcasm!" I snapped. She gasped, "But- how-" " Oh please I'd know that level of childish nonsense anywhere." I retort. Angry tears fill her eyes as her face flushes. "HOW DARE YOU TALK ABOUT HIM LIKE THAT!" She roars. "HE IS NOT CHILDISH!" "It looks like his tantrums wore off on you." I spat. She just stomps to the other side of the room and curls up.

    I went to far, but I was telling the truth. She deserves someone more refined. I need to fix the mess he made of her. First, I should just giver some space. After a while she stopped shivering and her ball becomes less tight. "Are you alright?" I ask. "Don't talk to me." She spats. Fair enough. I sit down and wait until she cools down more. After a long while she comes out of her ball. She's still upset but not tantrum level anymore. "Are you alright?" I ask again. She sighs, "I'm sorry." She mumbles, "I let myself go to much." She admits. I smile. "It's alright, I crossed a line too, I apologize."

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