Part 6

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Chapter 10

    Holy crud- did I really just say that?! I look over at the ball in the corner... Oh. My. Gosh. Did I just become the bad guy? I just wished for Lawence to have never existed. I said that. Me! Well- without him you would be perfectly happy- or dead... without him- I actually would've been dead. His team saved me... he kept me alive through the months I was with the group... until he decided to kill them, but he saved me then too. I was sick and he took care of me. Maybe- just maybe- he's not all bad.

    I don't know what to do with this- I just sit next to him and give him a hug. He actually pushes me off. Understandable- "Lawrence... I'm sorry. I didn't mean it." He's silent. "You're right. Without you, I would've died. Without your leadership- you would've never made the group that saved me. You kept me alive, and what do I do? I complain, like always. I made a mistake, and I'm sorry" I declare. He looks up at me with a sightly surprised expression.

    "Are you really sorry?" He asked. "Yes." I respond firmly. I sit on my knees in front of him and look into his eyes. And wrap him in a big hug. He hugs back and I think- I think I found his soft spot. When we part I smile, and he grins. "Have I found the true heart of the beast?" I joke. "Maybe." He replies with a big grin. We laugh. I knew he wasn't all bad. You just have to get past his rough interior and then you see that he's just a normal person wanting to be loved and accepted.

    "So, does this mean I can go?" I ask. His expression hardens, I asked the wrong question too soon. "No. It's safe here. I can't lose you." He asserts. "Ok." I reply, but Harry's out there.... I'll get out eventually. I hope.

                    Chapter 11

    I can't believe se apologized, this is why I need to keep her here. She's too naive. At least i'm one step closer. I think she might actually be starting to like me. I stand up and offer her my hand, she takes it and get up as well. I look into her eyes and see that behind that kind face, she's still scared. Somewhere in there, she's scared.

    "So- uh what now?" She asks. "Whatever you'd like" I reply with a smile. She just hugs me again, I can see again just how short she is. It's cute. "Can you bend down a little?" She asks. "Umm sure?" I reply. I bend down a few inches to meet her height. Then she kissed my cheek. I'm startled, she quickly goes and grabs a book and sits in her corner trying to hide her blush. I just stare wide- eyed,  never expected her to do that.

    She's balled up, book completely hiding her face- it's upside down.  Walk over and take the book, "Why are you hiding your face?" I ask.
"Uhhh" Her face flushes as she tries to grab the book i'm holding out of her reach. "Give it!" She says annoyed. "Not until you answer my question." I reply. She huffs, "I'm embarrassed." she responds reluctantly, still going for the book. "Why?" I press, "Do you regret it?" She looks at me with clear anger in her eyes. "No. I don't." I stop moving the book, I was sure that she only did it on impulse... She grabs the book and hugs it to her chest. Small tears forming in her eyes. Im baffled.

    "Are you alright?" I ask and kneel to her height. "No- you pressured me!" She yelled. "I'm sorry." I apologize. "Good." She huffs, and sits down. I chuckle as i turn around and continue drawing. Which apparently caught her attention. "Its been weeks, aren't you done?" "Hmm?" I pick my head up. "You started that weeks ago", she repeats, "aren't you done?" "Maybe." I reply. She gets up, walks over, and grabs the paper before I can put it away.

A Half of a Whole (DangerousFellows fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now