Part 7

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Chapter 12

    I grab the paper, "Hey!" Lawrence protests. I ignore him and walk away, looking at the paper. Drawings.... Of, me?! They're really good. "Give that back." He asserts and grabs the paper. "You never told me you were an artist!" I exclaim. "It's a hobby." He answers. "You're good at it." I reply. He blushes a little, "I'm ok." He protests. I giggle. Then I remember what happened only a few minutes ago and walk back to my corner to hide my face again. He sees me and laughs, "You're still upset?" "I'm not upset." I defend myself. "Then why are you making a big deal out of it?" He presses.

    What he doesn't know is that, that's the closest i've ever been to a kiss. I've never kissed someone. "None of you're business" I retort, and keep "reading" my upside down book. I can tell he's staring at me and my face gets more red. I glance at him with a mix of shyness and anger. In that spit second- his eyes light up. Crap. "Have you ever kissed anyone before?" He asked. CRAP. I can't bring myself to talk, I just throw the book at him and huff.

    "You haven't." He grins. "Sh-shut up!" I stutter. He walks over to me and sits down. I turn away. "It's nothing to be ashamed of." He assures me. "I haven't either." My eyes widen as I turn my head towards him. "Wait. Really?!" I gasp. "Don't sound so eager." He expressed. "No. I just assumed that you had a girlfriend at some point." I explain. "And I assumed you had a boyfriend at some point." He replies. "You're a lovely girl." he adds. My face turns as red as a tomato. "Shut up, if anyone is lovely it's you! You have all the leadership skills and popularity. Good looks. I'm just an average, boring girl." I sigh. "You're not boring." He states. "Wait- Good looking?" He mentions.

    "Sure- everyone is in there own way." I try to make excuses. "Well then you're also good looking." He says. I smack him lightly on the head. We both laugh. "But- yea" I mumble under my breath. He hears me say somethin. "What was that?" He asked. "Nothing" I lie. He looks at me suspiciously and grins. "Fine."

                    Chapter 13

    Well- I never thought It would go this far- she's joking with me, and she kissed me on the cheek. "Well all I have to say I that I think you're looks put you at above average." I say. She snorts "Ha sure, I guess you aren't so bad yourself." She replies. I'm glad she said that. Oh god- I'm blushing aren't I? She has a shocked and puzzled look on her face. I grab the book. She laughs even harder. "Aww you're so cute when you're frazzled!" She remarks and keeps laughing. I hide my face even more.

    Why is it suddenly so hard to control my emotions? It's never been this hard! "Uhhh are you ok?" her words break my thoughts. I notice i'm gripping the book so hard my knuckles are turning white. "Sorry, It was just a joke." She apologizes. "Oh it's not your fault." I reply. "Did you get a sudden urge to kill somebody?" She laughs faintly as she says it. "Uhh no." I assure her. "Ok phew!" She laughs and then clears her throat "Sorry."
"It's- fine." I reply.

    "Have you ever, dreamed of your first kiss?" She asked. I was startled by the question. Of course I have- did she already forget that I did everything for her? "Ummmm- yes." I say plainly. "How about you?" I try to redirect it. "Honestly- not really. Maybe a few times when I was little- but i've almost given up on the idea." She answers. "Oh-" I respond. "But you said you had a dream of your first kiss." She presses. "So, who is it?" "Uhhhh well-" I stutter. "Oh I see. Do you think we'll ever get our fist kiss anymore? We're in a zombie apocalypse, in a bunker." She asks. Yes... "Yes." I answer, "Anything could happen." She looks at me and says. "Well, It's always nice to dream."

A Half of a Whole (DangerousFellows fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now