The Real plan- Chapter 9

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-3 pov-
The blond hair male looked at the two figurs infront before passing out.


"s̸o̸r̸r̸y̸ m̸a̸s̸o̸n̸ n̸o̸ c̸a̸n̸ d̸o̸" The angle spoke.

"Don't call me that!  What are you going to do to him?!"

"o̸h̸ j̸u̸s̸t̸ g̸o̸i̸n̸g̸ t̸o̸ g̸e̸t̸ r̸i̸d̸ o̸f̸ h̸i̸m̸"

"Why?!  He has done nothing to you!"

"Yes he has!  He has taken you away from me"

"I don't even know who you are!  You crazy psycho!"

"Aww you don't remember me?~"

"MIRA!? Y-Y-You died?!"

"Yes, Mason I died! Thanks for reminding me!

"H-how?! W-when?!"

"Oh when I found out that you were gay.  I was heart broken.  So I committed suicide.  I followed you here.  When I saw that stupid demon and you blushing I knew I had to end him."

"Hes a demon. He can't be killed" Dipler looked at Bill still pasted out on the floor, "right?"

"Oh how sad~ he never told you how demons die?~  well all the need is an angle sword.  But once to hold the sword, you have a chance to become a demon.  The pure of hearts stay angles, but non pure heart turn to demons.  But there is a time frame where the angle can do its final wishes."

"Ive heard of them before, they are super rare!  And almost impossible to find!  Ive never even seen one!"

"Well its your lucky day~

"No.  No...NO!"

"Ohh look at this an angle sword~ say goodbye to your little demon mason"
Cliffhanger bitch
Jk injoy

Mira swong down to hit the demon only to be met with solid ground.

"WHAT?!" She screamed.

"Stupid I'm a DREAM demon.  I can read your thoughts. Wow an angle so pretty!  To bad your turning into a demon~  you won't be able to hold that sword for too much longer" a voice spoke from behind the bird cage.


"Did you think I was going to let you go that easyly pine tree?  Wow not much hope in me?"

"UGH!  STUPID DEMON ALWAYS GETTING IN THE WAY!"  Mari swung again only hitting the cage.

"He pine tree?  After this do you think we can get out of here and head to my house?~"

Dipper face turned beat red at the comment.

"For a moive perv.  Unless you want to~"  the demon said with a smirk, "three, two, one, demon" bill said pointing to the yandere girl.

The girl boke down sreaming in pain.

(Forgive my terrible drawing skills)

"Burn in hell!" She screamed.

"Come on pine tree your not a bird" Bill said ignoring the screaming girl

"I-I'M SO SORRY!" Dipper held on to Bill like he was cat to a cat tree.

"Hey don't worry okay?  Everything will be fine.  Now, do you still want to go to my house?"

Dipper said nothing but hummed as he try to dive his head deeper into Bill's neck.

"Come on you have had a rough day"  the demon started to walk out of the dark hideout.

When the two made it out finally the ground started to shake...
(I wanna see names for all of the dots and i don't know if the picture are gonna upload if not I'll just put them in a different chapter or something....*along with a face reavle*

Bill cipher x Dipper pines *Complete*Where stories live. Discover now