Chapter Nineteen: Heart Attack and Little Bird

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My phone vibrates for the millionth time tonight, signaling I have a new text. I leave it on my nightstand and continue to lay on my bed, just staring at the ceiling. Thinking.

Is it possible to love two people? At one time?

Jack. Just thinking of him makes me happy. He is so kind, so perfect. From the day we met, I had a feeling we would be close. Being able to call him my boyfriend is sometimes hard to believe; I feel like he is so out of my league, but he always tells me I am out of his. His smile makes my knees go weak, and he makes me feel safe. He makes me feel happy. And he has never hurt me.

Niall. I can't even describe him. He makes me laugh, but also has a sensitive side. He is the first boy I've every truly fallen in love with. Just at the mention of his name, my heart skips a beat. We have so much history, and although I sometimes wish I would forget, I know deep down that I never want to. When I'm around him I'm happier. I'm a better me. But he hurt me, he let me go.

But he is willing to fight for me.

My phone vibrates again, tearing me from my thoughts. It continues, and I pick it up, realizing that somebody is calling me. I read the caller ID and smile, then click answer.

"Hi," I start.

"Hey, Jessie. What's up?" Jack asks.

"Nothing much. But I have to tell you something..." I trail off, waiting for him to respond. I decided that I should at least tell him about Niall.

"What, something like your internationally famous ex-boyfriend and his four band members are recording their new album at Taylor Records, and you're working on it with them?" He replied calmly.

"How did you know?" I was surprised.

"Jessie, you used to be on magazine covers." He replied, like it was the most obvious thing in the world. "I read all about you guys before I even met you. You never brought it up, so I figured you just didn't want to talk about it."

"Oh." That's all I can say after his explanation. Oh.

"Yeah," His small laugh rings from the other end.

"Well, I just want you to know, nothing's going on between us. This is strictly work. Well, maybe a friendship. But nothing more. I promise." I assured him.

"Jessica, I trust you, okay?" And that's all I needed to hear.


With a large cup of coffee in hand, I stopped in front of the door before opening it, taking a deep breath.

"You wanted to see me?" I asked Delilah, stepping into her office. I had a pretty good feeling what she wanted.

"Ah, Jessica! Good morning, sweetie. I just needed to let you know that the boys of One Direction have requested you to help them finish the rest of their album. Looks like they like you!" She smiled.

"Okay, awesome. I'll go set up the booth now." Yep, I was right.

"Who knows?" She added as I was leaving. "Maybe you'll get a promotion if you do well?"

"Thanks, Delilah." I smiled and headed to room C12 for the second time.

Opening the door, I was slightly surprised to find the room empty. I guess they boys haven't arrived yet. I started to set up the booth, since they were recording today. Just as I finished, I glanced upward into the window and screamed.

"LOUIS!" I yelled at the laughing boy, who walked out of the booth followed by Harry, Liam, Zayn and Niall, who were laughing equally as hard, if not more. "You gave me a heart attack! You can't just smush your face against the glass like that!"

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