Chapter Two: The Plan

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I finally walked into school and headed towards my locker, to see Emily already there, waiting for me. Her curly black hair was tied up into a ponytail, and her green eyes popped, as usual, due to her expertly applied makeup. I swear, that girl is wonderful with cosmetics. Anyway, as soon as she saw me, tearing up, her face fell and she ran over to me.

"Jess, what's wrong? Is it your stepmother again? Or those stupid twins? Because I swear I will hunt them down right now and pull off every single one of their fake nails." she said. She always knew how to cheer me up.

"Yeah," I started, "It's them. But this time it's the worst thing that has ever happened." I said, and I told her the story about the invitation.

"That's awful! She can't do that!" Emily almost screamed. "Especially since our boys are going to be there!"

"I know, it sucks, and I'm really upset, but I guess I'll just have to get over it. I have to go to class now, but I'll see you at lunch?" I mumbled.

"Ok, just don't think about it right now, I'll see you soon." she said with a comforting smile.

I turned around and walked off to Art. Art was my favorite class, so maybe that would cheer me up a little. No luck. I went through all of my morning classes without realizing, and it was finally lunch time. I went out into the courtyard to see Emily already sitting in our usual spot, with a huge grin on her face. I have to admit, her smile made me smile. As I walked over, I saw her practically bouncing up and down with excitement. I sat down, and she grabbed my arm, shaking it.

"I have a plannnnnn," she sang.

"A plan? For what?" I asked.

"You're going to that party. You're going to meet Nialler, and you guys are going to get married, all because I'm the bestest friend ever." she continued.

"What? How? That's impossible, I'll be cleaning the house all night long, and it's not like I have anything to wear." I stated.

"That's where you're wrong. As soon as your gross family leaves, I'll come in, and we'll make you look amazing, and I'll clean the house while you show up fashionably late to the party of your life!" I giggled with her.

"As fabulous as that sounds, I don't think it will work. What if they recognize me, and how will I get there? I don't have a car!"

"Yeah, but I do! And as long as you try to steer clear of them, they won't see you, they'll be too drunk, and there'll be too many people there. Plus, I'll be there at midnight to pick you up, so we can get back to your house without them ever knowing." she said.

"Em, you're the best!" I exclaimed.

"Yeah, but I'll only do it on one condition." she said seriously.

"Anything!" I practically screamed, I was so thankful for her.

"After you and Niall get it on, you have to introduce me to Zayn!" she laughed.

"But of course!" I replied.

After that, there was nothing that could bring me down, not even my stepmother forcing me to do chores, or my stepsisters cracking jokes. If Emily's plan worked, I would be happy for the rest of my life. But the only problem was, as foolproof as it sounded, would it actually work?

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