Chapter Eight: One New Follower

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"Hi, Niall." I blurted.

When he opened the door he looked confused, and maybe I saw a little anger appear for a second, probably because he didn't recognize me. He must have been thinking I was some crazed fan who got the room number by luck. But, at my words, he calmed and a smile appeared on his face, which made me smile in return.

"Come in!" he said as he stepped out of the doorway and into the room. It was really nice, it must have been some kind of suite. Niall led me to the kitchen area, taking a seat at a white table after pulling a chair out for me. Always a gentleman. I sat, and I sensed that things were about to get awkward. I'm pretty sure I attract awkward situations. I guess it's like a magnet. An awkward magnet. And my magnet seemed to be working today...

"Hi," he smiled. "Hey," I giggled, removing the wig and putting it in my lap.

"I know this is kind of awkward," he started -- Perfect for me, way to go magnet! I thought -- "but I was wondering, what's your name? I got so carried away at the party, I was having so much fun, with you, and it completely slipped my mind to ask, I'm so sorry, but, ummmm," he rambled.

"Jessica. My name's Jessica." I couldn't stop smiling. I guess it's just something about him, that boy can make anybody's day better.

"Well Jessica, I believe I have something that belongs to you." he carefully pulled my locket out of his pocket and handed it to me.

"Thank you! Thank you so much! You have no idea how much this means to me, I don't even know how I can ever repay you!" I jumped up and hugged him as he laughed. I love his laugh. It's the best noise ever. Now I'm sounding creepy, curse my inner fangirl.

"Actually," he continued with a grin as I sat back down, "I think I do know a way you can repay me. I was wondering, will you go on a date with me tomorrow?"

"I would love to." I replied. Stay calm, no fangirling in front of Niall, breathe in, out, in, out, but don't hyperventilate! Calm, ocean, waves, calm... 

"Oh, Jessica, I almost forgot! What's your twitter? Do you have a twitter? I guess you have a twitter, otherwise you wouldn't have known where to come... so what's your twitter? I'm gonna follow you right now," he said as he whipped out a black iPhone 4S from his pocket and started tapping the screen.

"It's @jessica_taylor." I watched him type it in the search box, and a minute later my phone beeped, signaling I had a notification. Pulling it out of my purse, I saw the notification I had only imagined in my wildest dreams.

'Twitter: Niall Horan is now following you!'

Please excuse me while I die and go to fangirl heaven.

He was laughing... Oops, did I say that out loud?

"Yep!" he continued to laugh as I blushed like crazy. Guess that answered my question.

"It's fine, I think it's cute."

And, being the genius and witty girl that I am, I came up with a great response.

"Um, thanks."

At least I smiled.


Hi guys! So I found this picture and felt like I should share it with you. Why is he so adorable? I don't understand the logic behind it. And Harry's hair. But that, the world may never know.


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