Chapter Ten: The Date

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          "You know, you look really cute when you're blindfolded."

               "Is that so? I've been trying to work that look forever." I joked.

Niall had just tied the bandana over my eyes, and I couldn't see a thing. Not gonna lie, I love surprises, but they always make me nervous. Because, you know, I can't see anything. After what I guessed was about twenty minutes later, I felt the limo turn and come to a stop. I heard the door open and Niall grabbed my hand, entwining our fingers, and guided me out.

He led me to what I assumed was a building, because a door opened, and I felt air conditioning. The thing was, the room was quiet. Too quiet.

Niall brought me to a different part of the room and I felt him turn to face me. He gently kissed me on the lips, but then pulled back. I felt a goofy smile appear on my face, and I thought I heard small giggles from farther back in the room. Maybe it was just my imagination?

          "You ready?" Niall said. I could tell he was really excited for me to see whatever the surprise was.

                   "I have been since you put this blindfold on me!"

          "Okay, on one... two... three!" He tugged the bandana off of my face, and I saw a table for two, complete with flowers and candles.

Looking around the room, I noticed that we were at the club where we first met at the after party, but it was empty. Or so I thought...

          "Hi Jessica!" Four boys popped out from behind decorations in the back of the room and raced over towards me.

               "I believe we haven't been properly introduced. I'm Louis,"




I giggled as Louis continued. "And from what we've heard about you, which is a lot---" he glared at Niall jokingly "---you probably already knew that. But hey, we're going to be the musical entertainment for you lovebirds on this fine evening. And we won't disrupt. Or at least, we'll try." he added cheekily.

Before I had time to respond, Niall had ushered them away and they had started to sing quietly in the back of the room.

          "Sorry about that, they're a bit crazy, but you'll get used to them eventually. Anyways, I have another surprise for you. Ta-da!" he gestured to the table, and I saw what we were going to have for dinner. I smiled and laughed. Nandos!

Niall and I ate and talked, and I liked him more and more. It felt like we were the only two people in the world, and I didn't even notice that we had both finished our meals because we were so deep in conversation.

          "Would you like to dance?" he stood in front of me and offered me his hand.

I took it and followed him to the dance floor, just as the other boys started to sing 'More Than This.' That was my favorite song on the album! Well, I love all of the songs, but whatever.

Niall pulled me close and we started to slow dance just as Liam started to sing.

            "I’m broken, do you hear me? I’m blinded, ‘cause you are everything I see. I’m dancin’ alone, I’m praying, That your heart will just turn around. And as I walk up to your door, My head turns to face the floor, ‘Cause I can’t look you in the eyes and say..."

            "When he opens his arms and holds you close tonight, It just won’t feel right, ‘Cause I can love you more than this, yeah, When he lays you down, I might just die inside, It just don’t feel right, ‘Cause I can love you more than this, Can love you more than this..." Harry continued. Then Niall started to sing softly in my ear.

            "If I’m louder, would you see me? Would you lay down In my arms and rescue me? ‘Cause we are the same, You save me, But when you leave it’s gone again..." Then Louis continued and I smiled as Niall spun me around...

           "And when I see you on the street, In his arms, I get weak. My body fails, I’m on my knees, Prayin’..." The four boys on stage sang the rest of the song perfectly. It was a dream come true.

           "When he lays you down, I might just die inside, It just don’t feel right, ‘Cause I can love you more than this, yeah, When he opens his arms and holds you close tonight, It just won’t feel right, ‘Cause I can love you more than this, When he lays you down, I might just die inside, It just don’t feel right, ‘Cause I can love you more than this, Can love you more than this..."  They finished the song, and Niall and I broke apart to give them a round of applause.

               "Thank you, London! We'll be here all week!" Harry joked, and then he, Zayn, Liam, and Louis each bowed. They then exited the stage and hid again in the back of the room while I laughed.

          "Hey, Jess, I have to ask you something..." Niall said, and I turned back to face him.

               "What is it?" I said. Then he got down on one knee.

          "Jessica Taylor," he grabbed my hands and continued, "I know we haven't known each other for very long, but I really, really, really, like you. So, I was wondering..."

Oh. My. God. He isn't going to propose. Is he proposing? He just learned my name yesterday! He can't be. Oh my god. I can't. What is he doing?

                "Wait, Niall---" I started.

           "Will you go on tour with us?"

               "I can't mar--- wait, what?"

           "I said, will you go on tour with me and the boys? To America?" he laughed.

               "Oh my god, yes!" I jumped up and down with excitement. Then Niall stood up, smiling, and the rest of the boys ran over towards us from their hiding spot.

          "YAYYYYYY! JESSICA'S COMING ON TOUR WITH US! GROUP HUG!" Louis shouted and enforced the hug.

The other boys finally let go, and Niall full-on kissed me.

          "Hey Nialler, don't forget to use protection!" Harry shouted before racing out of the room, followed by Liam, Zayn, and Louis.

I couldn't wait to be on the road with these lunatics.


Ooh, she's going on tour? What will her stepmother think?

So, I've decided that I'm going to make this story longer, and if I feel like it I'll start the Harry fanfic while I'm still working on this one.

Buuuuuuuuut, two updates in two days! I guess I'm in a writing mood? I hope you guys like it!

Don't forget to comment and vote (especially comments, I love reading them and I dedicate chapters to the people who comment!)

Thanks again guys, for everything! Love ya! :) xx

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