Chapter Fourteen: Stupid Misunderstandings

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"Hey Jess, can I talk to you for a second?" I called. I had to show her that we had sparks.

I knew she had to say yes, otherwise it would look suspicious. I'm a genius.

"What do you want?" she said, walking over to me.

"Can I show you something really quick? It's in my dressing room." That didn't sound obvious or anything...

"Fine, but make it quick." I was surprised she agreed, but I led her to the room.

"What did you want to show me?"

"Erm, well..." I stuttered.

"I knew it. Bye, Harry." She couldn't go! Not until I kissed her again...

She turned to leave the room, but I grabbed her arm and spun her around, causing her lips to meet mine in another kiss. And there they were, the fireworks.

If it's even possible, I think this kiss is even better than the other. She has to feel this electricity too.

She pulled away from the kiss with a big smile. Had I won her over?

But then I saw him standing in the doorway. Niall. He had seen everything. How could I be so stupid?

I immediately stepped forward to explain, but Niall rushed away, hurt and betrayal in his eyes. I had caused that. This thing with Jessica has to end, she means so much more to Nialler than she does to me, right? She's his princess. But what if she's actually meant to be mine?

"Jess, I know that when we kiss there's sparks, but--" she cut me off.

"Harry, what are you talking about? I have to go find Niall." she looked worried.

"Wait, so you didn't feel anything?"

"No, I told you, I love Niall and I was drunk. Now he probably hates me, so thanks." she was giving me the cold shoulder. I guess I understand where she's coming from.

"I'm--" she cut me off again.

"You know what? I don't want to hear it. Not now. I have to go." tears started forming in her eyes, and she rushed out of my room to go find Niall.

And as much as I wish it weren't true, I think I'm falling in love with Niall's girlfriend.


Why is Harry so stupid? My life is finally perfect and he has to go mess it up by being stupid. I need to get him a trophy. To Harry, for being the stupidest boy on the planet. Did I mention that he's stupid? Grr.

I run through the backstage hallways of this random arena. I don't even know where we are. Chicago, maybe? Boston? Whatever, all that is important right now is that I find Niall and explain Harry's stupidness to him. Ugh, even his name makes me angry right now.

"Niall!" I shout for the millionth time, looking inside a random room. Nobody in sight.

I turn to leave, and then hear a small sound. I go back in for further investigation, and see a chair in the back that blends in with most of the room, so I guess I missed it the first time.

In the chair is a boy, but it's not Niall. It's Liam.

"Hey Jess!" he looks up at me with a smile. I guess Niall hasn't told him yet.

"What's wrong?" he notices my tear-streaked face and immediately tries to help me. Gotta love Liam.

"You're going to hate me." I start off, and then tell him the story, getting angry at the part about Harry.

"And now I can't even find him to explain!" I take a deep breath and finish, and I notice that I'm crying again.

"Well I guess we'll split up and look for him? He couldn't have gotten far." he hugged me, and then we decided that he'd go left and I'd go right.

I ran through the halls once more, checking rooms and finding nothing. Where did he go?

Then it hit me. The roof! I'm sure this stadium has a roof, right? I just have to find it.

This time, as I navigated the halls, I checked the doors and walls for signs as I ran past them, hoping they could point me in the right direction. I finally saw a red and white sign that read "ROOF ACCESS. FOR EMERGENCIES ONLY." and it pointed around the corner. I started running, I was so close! And I knew he had to be there!

I quickly turned the corner and ran into somebody.

I looked up to apologize and instantly regretted it.

"Jessica? Is that you? What are you doing here?"

The real question is, what is he doing here?


Cliffhanger! So who do you think it is? Comment and guess!

Just wanted to thank you guys again for reading! This story has almost 3,000 reads, I can't even believe it! So thank all of you!

Like I've been saying, check out my new Harry fanfic! It's called "A Grande Iced Coffee" and I'm really excited about writing it! Let me know what you think!

Don't forget to vote/fan/comment! As usual, I love your comments, they make my day! So if you comment, a massive thanks!

Love you guys and thank you for everything! Hope you like the story! xx :)

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