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Chapter 13
Stars and Stripes Pt.2


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DODGING the attack Pat almost hit both Courtney and I as Brainwave was able to get to him already and control him. Before Courtney could get hit again I used my speed and we were at the other corner of the tunnel seeing as he moved STRIPES face towards us and let’s just say it was creepy and all. “Pat! Pat wakes up.” Courtney shouted at Pat as I shook my head. “He’s been compromised by Brainwave. He is being controlled by Courtney.” I told her trying to explain to her everything that was going on as she glanced at me as she put the staff also in front of me.

He almost hit us once again as I ran fastly under her robotic arm, as Courtney slid on her knees. As we haven’t heard anything from anyone else on the team yet. “Court? Courtney? Your mom’s not moving.” Beth said through the coms as we both could hear her along with the others. And he continued to chase us in the tunnels as I was running at a “normal” pace to keep up with Courtney so nothing bad could happen to her. Stopping at the end of the tunnels as Courtney started speaking to Pat again. 

“Hey, Pat, it’s me. It’s Courtney. Your Daughter.” She said as I was waiting for impact and time to slow down but he didn’t hit us at all he stopped in mid air as it must have come from Courtney’s words. He could be fighting it, which would suck. “Ever since we came to Blue Valley, you’ve been there for me everytime I needed you. I need you now. Pat. I really really need you.” Courtney said as I was smiling at this moment since it’s the first time I have heard Courtney ever talk about Pat as her father as I wanted to aww at this moment but knew it wasn’t the right time. And we knew he was fighting against it. 

I just hope Yolanda is alright, along with Rick. As we haven’t heard from them yet due to everything that is happening at the current moment. “Beth. Pat is fighting brainwave’s control.” Courtney said as I wanted to check on Pat to make sure nothing bad is happening to him. “What? No, that could kill him, Court.” Beth said as I looked at Courtney trying to decide if I wanted to get through the robotics of Stripe and see if in any way I could help him. 

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