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Extra Chapter 1
The Flash

Extra Chapter 1The Flash

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WALKING back into the hall felt different, I came to visit….alone. Because I didn’t want anyone to know what I thought. And I know shutting people out including everything that happened last week with the ISA is a bad idea. But I needed to go confront my theories and thoughts as I continued to look at every display. To see all the heroes, the ones who were heroes, the ones who stood up and died while we survived somehow. Somehow we stopped the ISA for the moment. But something deep down within me knew that something bad can still happen. Because the ISA has more connections that we believe. 

Looking up to my father’s display I could see his face and his suit. The legacy, the footsteps I’m trying to fill, as I knew that a part of me knew I could do it. But then like Courtney, I had this doubt, and part of me didn’t believe I could do it. As I grabbed the helmet off my hand and put it in my hands as I looked down thinking that I wasn’t good enough. That I was nothing like him, heck weeks ago I couldn’t run up buildings and now I can better than then. But I still have more to learn, more to learn about being like him. 

When I felt the owl land on my shoulder, I looked over to see Hooty, hooting as I started to pet him on his head as he started playfully biting my finger as I looked up at the display still, as I hoped I made him proud somehow. Wherever my father is all I want him is to be proud that I tried to carry on his legacy, but make it my own. Since Barry made his own way of being the Flash carrying on the torch for Central City. But for me I’m carrying it on by being the new JSA member, the modern era Flash, and a young woman Flash, which makes me way different. 

Now I shouldn’t judge myself on being like my father and I know it’s hard thinking that I’m not good enough, but you know what head. I’m better than good enough, even if I am nothing like my father. I’m not Jay Garrick, I never will be 100% like my father, because I also am like my mother, and I’m also one of a kind. I’m McKenna Jaylen Garrick, I’m the Flash of the Modern Day Justice Society of America. This New Society that Courtney helped make carrying on the torch of Starman as Stargirl. And you know I don’t regret it, I shouldn’t. I may be a woman, but I shouldn’t doubt myself. I will learn how to use my powers someday, and you know my father would be proud to see his daughter, learning to accept who she is, and to become the next generation Flash. 


THE reflecting shine of the moonlight on the water of the lake of Blue Valley in the forest was  beautiful, including at a night like this. As I could hear the sounds of the water rushing in one path, in a current as I couldn’t see any cars, on the bridge for one of Courtney & I’s first mission as it was the one that affected us the most to go after the ISA. After the death of Joey Zarick, my gosh it feels so long ago. It feels like it doesn’t exist, it feels like it wasn’t there. But deep down it’s still in my memory, even if I didn’t know Joey that well, he still was a nice kid from what I saw. And Jordan didn’t deserve to kill him. 

When I continued to look in the water I heard a noise from behind me as I looked behind me, as I could see something...someone behind me. It couldn’t be….It couldn’t be. This must be a dream, I thought as I pinched myself and I couldn’t wake up from this dream. This dream….I guess isn’t a dream because it’s real...it’s reality. As I could see the face of someone who I hadn't seen in awhile. They were dead last I checked, but they are standing here. 

“McKenna Garrick.” The voice said as I nodded, “Dad?” I asked seeing the figure come out into the moonlight to see my father as he was dressed in casual clothes. He spoke like my dad, and looked like my dad. But his reaction wasn’t what I remember from my dad. “Who are you?” I asked, trying to pull everything I have left of me at the moment to ask whoever this person...whoever this person who looks like my dead...my dead father that I can never stop mourning. That I can never stop thinking about changing his destiny for him. But at the end of the day I have to stay in my time mourning, even if I look fine or have a great day. It never stops me from thinking about what I have lost. 

“In time you will find out about McKenna Garrick, but we have been watching you for awhile, and were impressed at what you have done this past year.” He told me as I looked at him, “Can I just ask you, even though I know my answer. Is he dead?” I asked the figure as it nodded in response as I looked down letting a tear fall but I wiped it off. Looking back at it, “Are you the thing that Barry sees?” I ask him as he nodded, “I look like whoever the person desires. But McKenna Garrick, this is not our last encounter. I will see you very soon.” The voice of my father said once more as I blinked and then it was gone. Like Magic, but I have my suspection on what it is. But it still doesn’t make me more hurt that it had to be my father, so I guess Barry was right about one thing. Seeing who you have lost is harder than just remembering them. 



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