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Extra Chapter 3 
Time to go home 

Extra Chapter 3 Time to go home 

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YELLING came down the hallway of the institution of the private boarding school as everyone was walking down the halls. But mainly one person who was mid-sized maybe 5’6”, had ginger hair, and brown eyes, maybe in her mid-twenties; an office worker most likely was walking down the hallway as she was looking for someone. As the school was only filled with ladies whose parents are very rich, and just didn’t want to keep them at home. 

Once this young woman continued down she knocked on the door on one of the most athletic yet intelligent students on many scales. But she wasn’t hearing a response until the teenager in the room said a very loud but gentle, “Come in” as the woman twisted the doorknob and opened the door as the young asian woman with dark brown locks, brown eyes, about 5”3’ and had a bright smile on her face as she was setting down her face as she looked at the front office worker. 

“This came for you.” The young office worker said handing the girl a letter that had a familiar seal to the asian girl as it was addressed from Blue Valley, Nebraska. And the last time she was there was her freshman year; two years ago. When the office worker left, it left the girl alone to open the seal nicely on the letter, and upon reading the words she started to smile more glancing over at a photo that was taken long ago with her younger more “angered” sister, who this girl loved her sister even if she could be very headstrong, and not follow the rules. 

But upon looking at who sent it, she smiled knowing one thing….it wasn’t her father luckily. As she continued reading the letter and her eyes fell on the last two sentences of the letter, “....With the great news, I ask for your request to come back to Blue Valley. After being sent away for two years, sister, it’s time for you to come home and help me kill this new JSA. I hope to see you soon. Xoxo!.....”  She smiled as she put away the letter as she knew that she would be returning, and this woman knew that whoever this “JSA” it wouldn’t stand in the way of her and her younger sister's plans. The new plans of the ISA, a better ISA. 

It was just only a matter of time before she returned to Nebraska. Only a matter of time until they could put this plan into action. And that JSA won’t know what is going to hit them.


GRABBING her bags, the asian girl continued her way outside of the boarding school as she hugged one of her closest friends after bringing the little stuff that she brought from home. But the feeling of going home and being a part of something she has been ready for since she was seven, being her Dad’s best “warrior” in a way, she decided it was time to claim what is her’s and her sister’s when she gets back to Blue Valley. 

As she saw the car pull up she smiled looking at the familiar limo as she could see her mother in the car as she smiled. Even though it wasn’t her sister it was still family...as she grabbed her bags seeing the driver as one of her friend's father’s friends as she knew people. Which of course helps when she applies the rules to kill, hide the body, and then act like you are innocent. Because beauty can show innocents, but your mind can be wicked. But she wasn’t that bad compared to who else is out in the world who would kill anyone who threatens them.

“Blue Valley won’t know what hit them.” The young woman said as she went to the car that was there for her, and put her bag in it. If only Blue Valley could know what power this woman had. And why this black haired girl entered the vehicle as she knew it was a long flight from the beautiful lands of Japan. Would it be worth it for what is to come next…..yes! But once again the JSA won’t know what they have to face next, if they thought the original ISA was bad, there are more wicked figures that could be far worse...including this young woman. 



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