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Extra Chapter 2
Is this Thanksgiving or A Family Get Together

Extra Chapter 2Is this Thanksgiving or A Family Get Together

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TONIGHT was one of the most thrilling yet, time consuming night before Thanksgiving for the Allen’s, Garrick’s, West’s and now the whole JSA team that won their fight against the JSA only three weeks ago. And now it has rolled around to being one of the biggest food holiday’s. And meanwhile Joan, Iris, Ruby and Mary were all preparing for the biggest feast of the year. And having to fulfill the stomachs of eleven normal average stomachs. And then four stomachs of speedsters, which includes Ruby who also takes enough calories with gaining her brother’s speed by duplicating her brother’s power. Which means they need to unstock a whole store just to feed the four of them. And then go to a normal store and get some extra food for the other eleven people who may eat one slice of each dessert, and every Thanksgiving essential. 

When McKenna went downstairs she was embraced in hugs from Barry as she would be talking to Wally and Barry as they watched the older woman cooking their recipes and fighting in the kitchen, as Iris and Ruby both were shaking their heads and joking with each other. But everyone was happy that they all could make it, after the scare that happened only three long weeks ago...and McKenna continued to look out the window wondering what it would be like if her father was here also. Smiling and joking around with her mom, until her mother would put him back into his place for saying something out of place. 

Some Days she just believes she can see him, and feel him. And she knows that he is with them right now, even if he wasn’t seen to the naked eye. But he was there in spirit. As I looked over a moment later I could see flour fighting as Ruby threw some at Iris as I laughed watching it unfold, as Wally spoke, “I bet you ten bucks that my mother will stop them.” He said as I shook my head, “Nah! I feel like my mom will stop them. You know she can make anyone get in their place.” I told him as he nodded, and deep down I knew I was going to beat him as I was preparing to earn ten bucks. When we saw my mother finally stop the two women and tell them to clean up and then to come into the living room with us, I smiled as Wally handed me ten bucks and my mother looked at me as I shook my head and looked down. 

But before I knew it the doorbell rang through the house as Barry got up and answered the door letting Pat in as I saw Courtney and Yolanda behind him as I smiled and hugged the two girls. But what was different was the staff was trailing behind Courtney as they entered the house. And a few minutes later we continued by going downstairs, well Courtney, Yolanda, Wally and I. As we all went down to sit around on the floor, we looked at each other. “So how many courses are they making up there?” Yolanda asked, looking at me as I laughed. “Well Barry, Wally, Ruby and I will all intake 10,000 calories or more. Technically we can eat five years worth of food a day and be fine. But you know we still limit ourselves. Remember Yolanda, I can have more food than a normal person because if not I would be on the ground not moving.” I told her as she looked at me and nodded remembering but I still smiled until the staff once again pushed me into Courtney’s arms as she caught me and I blushed getting off of her and  looking away as I could see Yolanda and Wally smiled at us as I looked down. 


ONCE everyone arrived, Ruby, Wally, Barry, and I waited until everyone played their food as we all went through our section and picked our food, as the JSA sat in the living area, while the adults all sat in the dining room. Since my house doesn’t have the biggest open space. But you know getting to see everyone again after what happened was nice. But I swear I need to get Beth, Hooty for Christmas if Pat will let me. Because man Dr.Mid-Nite she needs her partner; Hooty the Owl. And ever since Chuck died we needed to bring Beth something to cheer her up more, other than us. Even though we love Beth, for being Beth. Deep down she still missed Chuck. 

Eating our food everyone was talking and laughing, as I could see Courtney and I stealing glances every once in a while. But at least it’s better than the staff pushing me on her, like man that staff is going crazy. As we continued to steal glances while we continued eating. But before we could see anything a cat jumps on my lap as I can feel Girlfriends claws are in my legs as she meows at me for a turkey piece as I give her a small piece and she purrs as I pet her until she gets grabbed by her other Aunt Yolanda as Wally was looking at us like a concerned father as I laughed. “Be careful with my daughter.” He said as Yolanda and I laughed with the others until Girlfriend went from Yolanda then to Beth, and then to Rick who at first was not wanting to pet her, but secretly started too as Girlfriend sat on his shoulder and Wally looked over at Rick who sat across from him. 

“So Wally when do you return to Central City?” I asked him as he looked at me, “I thought about it, I’m spending next semester here at least. And from then I don’t know.” Wally told me as I looked at him. “No I’m sending you back. You have caused too much trouble here.” I teased him, as he shook his head. While everyone else was talking about things I got up like a sims style, and walked after cleaning my dishes to the back porch sitting outside for a moment as I could hear someone come out the door as I glanced up to see Yolanda walking out as she smiled at me and I nodded as she sat next to me on the wooden porch swing. 

“So Courtney and you?” She asked as I shook my head, “She doesn’t even know how I feel about her. And besides, she likes Cameron.” I told her as she laughed and I looked at her, “Kenna you would be blind or crazy, or maybe both if you can’t see she likes you too.”  She told me as I smiled and shook my head. “No. There is no way Courtney Whitmore out of all girls likes me.” I sighed as I could hear Yolanda laugh. “Alright you are blind as a bat, she likes you I have seen it, the staff has seen it. The only person that can’t see it is Courtney and you, McKenna out of all people.” She told me as I shook my head. 

But maybe Yolanda was right, maybe Courtney liked me, but then again there's always Cameron. This is of course what always happens when you love someone, or like someone, but then you can’t see that they like you too like a cliche movie that the two people who love each other are blind enough to not see it, but their friends do. And everyone just wants them together. I swear if this ends up like a rom com I might just try to find an impala and drive it like Dean Winchester, and just secretly love rom coms, but not tell everyone that. 



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