21: finals week (m)

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okay so this chapter and the next one or two will be formatted in the same way in that it'll be short little blurbs for some of the dates listed and then something longer at the end. 

and yes, taekook engage in some physical stuff here and it's not super detailed but i'll probably do a more detailed one at the end. 

it's the week of final exams so they'll have two hours to take the exam and one-two tests per day with lunch after btw. and it's been like two-ish weeks since the last chapter. 

december 9th, 2019. 

taehyung is wearing a tie, a goddamn tie around his head as some sort of headband, and he actually rocks it. 

suspect the older, who could probably win most handsome man of the year with his godly looks, to wear a fucking tie around his head like the rebel student in a tv show. namjoon laughs when he sees it, more at jungkook awestruck expression than the look. 

"it's such a cute tie though, you should wear them more often." hoseok points out, stabbing his fork into his lunch rather violently. most of them had their chemistry final, with jungkook's help they better pass. 

"i actually have a lot of them but i never have anywhere to wear them." taehyung points out. his fading blue hair sticks up, turning a teal green color and black where his roots grow. 

yoongi nods, deep in thought as he stares at his egg rolls with hunger. "makes sense." if it isn't obvious, everyone was sort of brain dead after the tests, unable to formulate proper thoughts without thinking about chemical bonding or atomic conversions.

"you can just wear them casually." jungkook quips. he was the only one that was somewhat okay, he had biology today and it was rather easy. but okay for him doesn't mean that he's let out full crackhead mode just yet. 

"casually?" taehyung smirks at him. uh oh, jungkook knows that look, he just nods in response." so what, should i just sleep with only a tie on?" his eyes falling suggestively to his lips. 

thank god everyone else had zoned out of the conversation at this point, too sleep deprived because jungkook swore he was seconds from dragging taehyung away to the stalls to ease the tension he just created. 

december 10th, 2019.

"please never cut your hair jungkook." taehyung pleads, threading his fingers through the soft, fluffy mess as he lays on top of him. 

it was time for a study break, more like time for both boys to stare at each other and point out everything that they liked about the other. this time, it was jungkook's overgrown locks. 

he let them grow past his eyebrows, a bit shorter in the back, falling around his face in a curly mess. oftentimes jungkook was forced to tie it back in a small ponytail which was definitely enough to make taehyung squeal at the sight of it. 

"yeah, maybe i'll grow it out like haewon." he teases. his half-sister's hair was impressively long, reaching to the middle of her stomach and recently dyed a beautiful icy blonde. 

the fingers in his hair are too calming. "dye it too. you'd look even hotter blonde." taehyung comments. he was literally sitting on top of jungkook, straddling his strong thighs, it was the comfort he needed during a stressful studying session. 

all comfy in each other's arms. taehyung was wearing his oversized gray hoodie and boxers, jungkook loves the way he looks in his clothes. he's 90% sure the older has stashed some of his shirts and hoodies here, wonders if he'll put them on for him. 

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