27: new york

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asklfkklaskalkaskljif thank you guys so much for 1k wtfhowwhyhowwhy i'm so confused but also thank you so much for reading, voting and commenting on my shitty fic. it really means a lot to me and idk i'm really bad at mushy shit but just thank you all <3 <3

i start school soon but soty is almost done so i'll have it finished for you all very soon ;)

four month time skip.

"so has anyone reported your activity on gossip girl yet?" taehyung giggles, boxy smile rather visible as jungkook does the dishes in his apartment's kitchen. 

the younger rolls his eyes as he wipes the thin plate with a gray kitchen towel. he's smiling, always smiling whenever taehyung calls him on facetime. it's impossible not to with the easy, wholesome conversations they always have. 

"spotted; little 'j' getting too lazy to load the dishwasher." he imitates kristen bell's iconic voice over in the show and jungkook stops his drying to give taehyung a look. "pretty good right?" the older wiggles his eyebrows playfully. 

jungkook sets the plate down on the counter. "well yeah, that is pretty good but i'm more offended that you used little 'j'.  jenny is easily the worst character!" he whines. 

it's late in new york, around 10 pm and it's the next day in korea. spring here is rather nice, not too hot or too windy, perfect for a light jacket and a shirt but spring back home is infinitely better.  jungkook moved in at the right time because according to his roommates, summer is easily the worst time to be in the east coast. but he really really likes it here.

"no, vanessa is the worst character. we've talked about this too many times to have this fight kook." 

a goofy grin grows on the younger's lips. he can see the sunlight streaming in through the window, hear the soft birds chirping, he misses korea more than anything and these facetimes with taehyung are a great way to bring him back to his roots for a second. 

"yeah yeah, whatever. i don't wanna wake up my roommates with another debate." jungkook waves him off before glancing back to one of the bedroom doors in his apartment where his roommate was watching a movie with his boyfriend in his bedroom. 

choi soobin was a cute, chubby cheeked, boy that jungkook met during orientation back in january when he visited columbia with seokjin. his older hyung approved of the guy so now they're living together in a nice, two bedroom apartment that both of their rich father's purchased for them. 

the boy was lovely; so sweet and helpful. he was better at english than jungkook so often times he would help the older with ordering at places or speaking to professors. sometimes his boyfriend yeonjun would tag along with them and they'd all hang out and have a good time together. columbia had a good group of international students from korea for jungkook to hang out with and they were some of the nicest people that jungkook has met. 

of course they weren't his friends from back home but they were great nonetheless. 

 finally the dishes were all done and jungkook is rewarding himself with a few bites of chocolate cake. he cracks open the plastic covering and digs the frosting covered fork into the overly sweetened american garbage, this will give him diabetes for sure but who cares? "anyways, what's on the agenda today?" he asks.

the agenda, right. this is a list of whatever taehyung had to do on the farm today, little tasks assigned to him by his parents that he always thought were mundane but if he didn't do them, then he couldn't watch tv or go for a drive. jungkook loved hearing this and sometimes he'd get a shot of the wide, green area that his parents owned; little cows slightly visible from the older's window view. 

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