Chapter 3: New Challengers

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JNPR and BRNZ charged at each other, except for one who ran to the forest area of the field. She then used her rifle to shoot at a long distance. Ren was distracted and was taken down by a member with a taser. Nora was then hit by the man and Port said, "Oh it looks like one of my favorite students Nora Valkyrie is charging up her semblance." "Yes," said Oobleck, "Miss Valkyrie's semblance let's her channel electricity through her body to her muscles to charge up her attacks, or in this case, absorb Nolan's attacks and send him flying through the air." "WHAT!?" cried Nolan as Nora smirked at him. Nora then hit her hammer into his crotch. The male toons cringed at the sight. "Yeiks," said Alex. "I'm glad we weren't fighting them," said Bendy. Nora then climbed to the mountain range part. "Ren, distract the sniper," said Jaune. "Sure, why NOT?" asked Ren sarcastilicly. He then ran off and had shots going to all sides of him. Pyrrha was fending off two brawlers, one with throwing saw blades and one with knuckle claws. Jaune soon joined her. "Yeah, go get 'em Jaune!" cried Ruby. "Well he's certainly improved," said Kathy. "Yeah, but he ain't got nothing on Pyrrha," said Yang. Nora then made it to the top of the mountain and held her hammer up and lightning coursed through her hammer. "Well," said Bendy, "she is now copying Thor." "Who's Thor?" asked Blake. "He's a Demi-god super hero from our world," replied the devil, "I'll show you some comics if you guys want to come see our world." Nora then changed Magnhild, her weapon, into a grenade launcher, and shot the sniper out of the forest with the rest of her team. Nora then jumped down to her team. "REN, NORA!" cried Jaune, "FLOWER POWER!" "Wait," said Nora, "Flower Power?" "That's your team attack," replied Jaune, "Ren brings the flower, Nora brings the power." "Wait, why does Nora bring the power?" complained Ren. "Well," said Jaune, trying to think of a way to have Ren be the power. "So," asked Pyrrha, "What is our team attack?" "Arkos," said Jaune, "It's the thing where we take our shields, remember? It's our names put together." "Right, no... I get it." "Hey!" cried the leader of BRNZ, who's name was also Brwanz. "What do you think you're doing?" "Trying to have a team meeting," replied Jaune, "Thank you very little." "YEAH! TEAM EARS ONLY!" cried Nora, being the nut she is. "We're in the middle of a fight!" yelled Brawnz. "AND WE'RE IN THE MIDDLE OF A MEETING!!" screamed Jaune, "WHAT DON'T YOU UNDERSTAND ABOUT THAT!?" "Um, Jaune," said Pyrrha, "I think he means, WE'RE all in the middle of a fight." Jaune then looked around and was reminded about the tournament and sighed, "Nora, just hit them with your hammer." "GLADLY!" replied Nora. She then jumped up and smacked all of Team BRNZ out of the ring. "And with that," said Port, "Team BRNZ is eliminated by ring out. Team JNPR wins!" "YAY!" cried Team RWBY. "Looks like another part of the Dream Team is moving on," said Bendy.

At a local bar, a man was watching the fight on the TV. He had graying black, spiky hair, brilliant vermilion eyes, and slight stubble along his jawline. Along with a red, tattered cloak, he wore a gray dress shirt with a long tail, black dress pants and black dress shoes. He had a sword on his back that was his weapon. "Wow," said the bar tender, "those kids were something." "Meh," said the man.

"Now," said Oobleck, "I'm sure Vacuo fans will be hurting after that one, but I believe this next round will have them on the edge of their seats." "Team NDGO(Indigo) of shade," said Port, "is certainly a crowd favorite. But these lovely ladies are going up against some of the toughest, testosterone filled students we've seen so far. Team SSSN(Sun). While their leader, Sun Wukong, will be representing Mistral Academy of Haven, his friends and family back in Vacuo will surely be cheering for him." "Good luck Neptune!" cried Weiss. Neptune then looked to NDGO and said, "Ladies." Weiss' eye twitched and she yelled, "BREAK HIS STUPID FACE, NDGO!" "Wow, Weiss, calm down!" said Bendy, only to get smacked on the head. "Ow!" he said in pain. "Remember," said Neptune, "Hands above the waist." "Don't mind him," said Sun, "For he..., yeah he's retarded. Wait, WHY DID YOU MAKE ME SAY THAT!?!" It's my version, and I can do what ever I want, Sun. The battlefields were chosen, and one was desert mountains. That was Team NDGO's home advantage as well as Sun's. The second part contained Neptune's biggest fear of all: water. "Um what's wrong with Neptune?" asked Ruby. "I think he's scared of water," replied Alice. "Well, if he was from Earth," said Esther, "he'd be the laughing stalk of the world. From how he was named, it would sound like he was named after the God of the Oceans." Team RWBY then laughed. "Oh my Monty," said Yang, "He WOULD be the laughing stalk of the planet!"

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