Chapter 11: PvP

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Silhouette was just joining Ruby in the crowd, when he got a call from Bendy. "I wonder what he wants," said Silhouette, answering his scroll. "Silhouette!" cried Bendy, sounding concerned, "Is anyone with you!?!" "Yeah," said Bendy, "I'm with Ruby." "Put this on speaker, I need to talk to both of you!!" Silhouette proceeded and Bendy continued, "I need you to find Emerald or Mercury in the crowd!" "Why would they be here?" asked Ruby. "I think Bendy may have had one too man..." Silhouette stopped and squinted in the crowd before saying, "Is that... Emerald?" "What," said Ruby, "what is she doing here?" "Emerald and Mercury are working with someone named Cinder!" said Bendy, "They planned all these accidents to happen!" "How do you know?" asked Silhouette. "THEY HAVE ALICE!!!" Anything Silhouette was going to say was stopped by those three words. "Do you have the emeralds?" asked Bendy. "Just one," said Silhouette, "the rest are with Boris, Steve and Gamma. They're with the rest of the gang." "Hey," said Ruby, "I think I saw someone go behind the stands." Silhouette nodded and the two made their way to the door. When they found the door, they saw, "Mercury?" "Surprised?" asked Mercury. "Not really," said Silhouette, "Bendy just called and told us of what you and your friends did." "We won't let you harm anyone else!" said Ruby. "Who says I'm the one doing this?" Silhouette and Ruby thought for a minute and gasped, "Emerald!" "Next Round will be... Pyrrha Nikos vs.... Penny Polendina!" "Oooooo, Magnetism vs Metal," said Mercury taunting, "Yeah, that's not a good combination."

After Silhouette hung up, Bendy arrived at the Colosseum and ran as fast as he could without hurting anyone. "STOP THE MATCH!!!" cried Bendy, "STOOP!!" Ruby and Silhouette fought Mercury, but he kept dodging. Mercury then kicked both Ruby and Silhouette at the same time into the wall. Silhouette then teleported and reappeared behind Mercury before he could dodge, and kicked in the air, before punching him back down, and finishing with a round house kick to the face(like what Shadow did to Infinite in Episode Shadow). "C'mon Ruby!" said Silhouette as he skated off. Ruby then used her semblance to catch up. Bendy was trying to get onto the field, but he was restrained. Pyrrha, at the same time, dodged Penny's sword and caught it with her semblance, and she wrapped Penny with the rope,  and Bendy finally managed to get through, but it was too late. Penny was sliced into pieces. "NNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!" cried Bendy. Ruby and Silhouette then just got out to see Penny on the ground. "Oh," said Mercury, as he caught up to the two, "what a shame." Silhouette then clenched his fists, ran up to Mercury, knocked him down, and rolled up his pant leg. "The other one's prosthetic, right?" he asked. "Yes," replied Mercury, "What does it matter to you?" "Just wondering," said Silhouette, as he held the real leg and brought his leg up, snapping Mercury's real leg at the knee joint. Mercury screamed in pain, and Silhouette then threw him off the Colosseum. "Good riddance, you fucking bastard," muttered Silhouette. He then walked to Ruby and put a comforting hand on her shoulder. Just then, a voice came from the speakers, and the screen turned red, and Cinder spoke to the crowd.

Before she finished, she said through the speakers, "Bendy, if you wish to see Alice alive again, you'll bring the Chaos Emeralds and give them to me. Otherwise, she will be one of many who will die tonight." "Oh," said Bendy, "I will bring them." Pyrrha, who was in a trance of what just happened, snapped back into reality and said, "Are you crazy!?!" "But I'm not gonna give them to her, I'm gonna use them!"

Cinder meanwhile, turned when she heard screaming, and was hit by Mercury. "GET OFF ME!!" she yelled. "C-c-c-c-can't," whimpered Mercury, "L-l-eg broken." "Serves you both right!" said a voice. The turned to see Alice, free of her bonds, standing right in front of them. Alice then punched them into unconsciousness before they could react. "Hey!" cried Emerald, as she just arrived. Alice then shot a fire ball at Emerald, and Alice flew off to find Bendy.

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