Chapter 1: The Tournament

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In a forest, there was a gravestone, and Ruby Rose was looking over it as she removed her hood. "Hey mom," she said, "Sorry I haven't visited you in a while. I haven't gotten kicked out of Beacon yet. So that's good. Heh. That was a joke. I miss you. Dad misses you too. He still teaches at Signal. I've been keeping Yang in line. With help from Weiss and Blake. Oh, those are my teammates. Together we make Team RWBY. Yes, it does add some confusion. Also, we're part of a bigger team, called the Dream Team. It's led by a little devil named Bendy. He actually has a big heart, and he is the leader of another team at Beacon. It's called Team BBAA. The Dream Team has many members. We even have another Beacon team part of it called Team JNPR. The rest are all from another planet. I hardly believed it myself. They really are from another world. There is Boris the Wolf, Alice Angel, Alex Carman, Esther, Silhouette the Devil, Kathy Careman, Steven Canton, and Gamma." "Ruby!" cried a voice. Ruby turned to see Taiyang Xio Long, her dad, and Zwei, her dog. "Oh," said Ruby, "I gotta go. I promise to visit you more often." She walked over to her dad and turned and said, "It was good to talk."

In a giant floating stadium, Team RWBY was battling against Team ABRN (Auburn) in the first round of the Vytal Festival Tournament on a battlefield made of ice and fire. "GO TEAM RWBY!" cried Bendy. The Dream Team was there cheering for Team RWBY. "Hoho," said Professor Port from the announcer booth, "I'd say we have an astonishing battle ahead of us, wouldn't you Professor?" "Doctor," said Oobleck, "and yes, Peter, I think it's safe to say: this match may be one of the closest we've ever seen in the four-and-four round of the tournament." "For those of you joining us now," said Port, "Welcome to the Vytal Festival Tournament, Live from Amity Colosseum." The battle on the field is shown with explosions and clashes between each team. "For those of you just now joining us," continued Port, "allow us to break down the rules." "The tournament is divided into three distinctive rounds," explained Oobleck, "Teams, Doubles, and Singles. Age and school are irrelevant. In this tournament, the only attribute being tested ... is skill." "Correct," continued Professor Port, "the winners of this match will choose two of their team members to compete in the doubles round. Followed by the winners of that round choosing one member to advance to the singles. The remaining combatants will then fight their way through the final bracket in the hope of achieving victory for their kingdom." "And yes, Peter, these certainly are some spectacular spectacles on which to speculate on. And I don't think anyone around the world is going to disagree with me on that." "Ah, and why would they? Now, let's get back to the match between Team RWBY of Beacon and Team ABRN of Haven."

A girl with a purple hoodie and green hair is seen riding on a hoverboard with green energy. Blake blocks her attack and the two clash in a sword to board combat. The girl then hovers over to Blake, and Blake leaves an after image of ice, and the girl's hoverboard splits into two pistols, and she lands hard on her butt. "Yikes," said Alex. "That has to hurt," said Alice. On the fire field, Yang is duking it out with a karate fighter. The fighter dodges all of Yang's punches. They then punch each other so hard that their fists create a shock wave that cracks the field and pushes them back. Yang is then tripped and kicked onto the ice. A man with pink hair then tries to shoot Yang, but he has his legs frozen to the ground by Ruby's ice bullet. "Got your back!" cried Ruby. "Who's got yours?" asked a boy in yellow with a staff. A glyph then appeared behind the boy and Weiss kicked him through it. "My BFF," said Ruby. Weiss looked at her and said, "No." Weiss then heads off and Ruby looks at us and whispers, "Yes." and she joined Weiss in fighting the staff boy. The boy escapes the duo and throws a Dust crystal on the battlefield to the Hoverboard girl. She catches it and she puts it in her board, which now makes heat. She unfreezes the pink hair boy and goes after Blake. But Blake manages to ambush the girl and knocks her out of the ring. "Oooooooh," cried Port, "Double whammy! Reese Chloris is eliminated by ring-out AND Aura level!" "Oh she really should've worn a helmet," said Oobleck. "That should've been the first thing she thought of," commented Alex. Yang was chasing the Karate girl and Weiss threw the staff guy into the pink haired boy. She then trapped both in a giant ball of ice that started rolling. The karate girl then broke the ice and freed her teammates, but failed to notice the Team RWBY used a full team attack and they were all sent flying towards a giant rock by Yang, and their Aura levels were caput. The Dream Team cheered for Team RWBY's victory.

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