Chapter 8: Family Lessons

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"Coco Adel and Yatshuatsi Daichi of Beacon vs. Emerald Sustrai and Mercury Black of Haven" announced Professor Port. "Good Luck Coco!" cried Velvet. "Don't worry, Vel," said Bendy, "They've got it in the bag." "Hey kid," said Coco to Emerald, "Love the outfit." "I'll try not to get blood on it," said Emerald. "I can't say that you will be leaving here without a scratch," said Yatsuhashi. "I won't be the one bleeding," said Emerald. "Oooooo, I like her," said Coco. The battle began, and Coco unleashed her mini gun on Emerald, but she dodged into the forest area of the field. Coco tried to help Yatsuhashi, but Emerald dragged her into the forest with her chains. Coco picked herself up and saw her sunglasses broken on the ground. "I take it back," she said, "I don't like her." She then heard Emerald in the trees and unloaded at her. "Coco?" Coco then looked behind her and saw Yatsuhashi and said, "Careful, she's in the trees." Just then she heard a bell and saw on the screen Yatsuhashi was K.O. d. "What?" she whispered. This took enough time to get Emerald to hit Coco out of the ring and win the match. "And with that," said Oobleck, "Emerald and Mercury move on to the finals." "What?" said Velvet. "I thought that they had it," said Bendy. Silhouette looked at Emerald and Mercury. "Something up Sil?" asked Boris. "There's something fishy about those two." "Hey," said Ruby, "Has anyone seen Weiss, Esther, or Alex?"

Weiss was with her sister who just said that she was leaving. "But why?" asked Weiss, "You just got here." "I have other business to attend to," replied Winter, "I must say, the look on father's face was something when he heard you were leaving for Beacon." "I can't wait to show him what I've learned!" "Oh, and what have you learned?" "What do you mean? I'm getting better and better with my Glyphs, and I've even started time dilation." "And what of your, Summoning?" "Oh come on, you know I can't do that." "What's Summoning?" The two turned to see Alex standing there. Esther just arrived behind him. "Why are you here Alex?" asked Esther. "I wanted to know why Weiss wasn't at the colosseum," replied Alex, "Anyway, what is this Summoning, Miss Winter?" "Well," said Winter, "We Schnee's are unique. Our semblance is heritage." "So, you're saying it's in your genes?" asked Esther. "Yes, and it's just like a muscle; the more Weiss practices with it, the stronger it gets." Winter then summoned a large Glyph and from it came a white Beowulf. Alex and Esther looked at it in aw. "Wow," said Alex, "Just like in the courtyard with the birds."

"YOU'LL NEVER BEAT ME OLD MAN!" cried Ruby. "You're just talk kid," replied Qrow. "C'mon Ruby!" said Yang. "You can do it!" said Bendy. "Soaring Ninja Wins. Total Inhalation!" said the announcer in the video game. "By the way," said Qrow, "don't call me old." "My turn!" said Yang, as she shoved Ruby out of the way. "New challenger approaches!" said the announcer. "So, where was I?" asked Qrow. "You were telling us about your last mission," said Yang. "Oh yeah. So there I was, and I instantly knew that something was wrong." "What was it?" asked Boris. "Well, I looked around, and I saw it." "What was it?" asked Ruby. "I was defeated." "By what?" asked Yang. "By the mere sight... of the inn-keeper's skirt length!" "Soaring Ninja wins!" said the announcer, "Total Inhalation!" When Bendy heard the skirt length, he laughed his head off, literally. "Bendy," said Boris, "It wasn't that funny." "Whatever," he replied, "my turn." "New Challenger approaches!" said the announcer. "So did you get in trouble with Ozpin?" asked Ruby. "No, me and Oz go way back," replied Qrow, "We're cool." "Cool for an old guy," said Boris. "Not funny, dog boy." As soon as Qrow said that, Boris' eye twitched. Bendy paused the game, and looked to Qrow and said, "You shouldn't have called him a dog. He's a wolf." "Oh come on, what's the worst that..." Before Qrow could finish, Boris launched himself at him and started beating him up so hard. "I'M NOT A DOG!! I'M A WOLF!!!!" yelled Boris. Bendy then decided to call the round a draw and Boris was finished. He was panting hard and Qrow was on the floor with a few bruises. Boris managed to get a few good hits that Qrow's Aura couldn't heal right away. "So Uncle Qrow," said Ruby, "Why are you here? I thought Dad said that you'd be on a mission for like, ever." "Well," said Qrow, as the game restarted, "A professional Huntsman like myself is expected to get results as soon as possible." "Yeah, I get that," said Ruby, "we're pretty much pros at that." "Oh really?" asked Qrow. "Yeah, we totally saved Vale while you were gone," said Yang, "Read the news sometimes." "Really?" asked Qrow, "Because I heard that Vale suffered from a Grimm Attack after you almost managed to stop a train." "Rising Ninja wins," said the announcer, "Total Inhalation!" "Well," said Qrow, "Good work pipsqueak." Bendy just frowned when Qrow called him that before Qrow said, "But they don't give out medals for 'almost'." "Yes they do!" said Ruby, "They're called Silver!" "Well we helped take down Roman Torchwick," said Yang, "He's locked up on Ironwood's ship and crime's been down ever since. That's basically a bounty mission." "Yeah," said Qrow, "You maybe acting Huntsmen and Huntresses, but you're not thinking like one. You really think four girls, two devils, a wolf, an angel, some stickmen, an alien, and their friends could stop crime all the crime in a Kingdom?" There was a short silence before Ruby said, "Well, I did before you said that." "Yeah, I've been meaning to talk to you guys about that," said Boris, as he got out a strange device, "It's been quiet in Vale. Too quiet. It's almost like the crime has just stopped completely." "Exactly," said Qrow, "No White Fang activity anywhere around the city. You cut off the head of the King Taijitu, but now the second head's calling the shots. That's what Ironwood can't get through his think, metal head of his." "You," said Yang, "Know the general?" "Hey, I know everyone to some extent," said Qrow, "You're talking to a member of the coolest team to ever graduate Beacon: Team STRQ (Stark)." Qrow then got a picture of him, a woman in a white hooded cloak, a blonde man who looked like a brawler, and a familiar woman with a rotating sword with dust blades. "That's when I met your parents," continued Qrow, "We were pretty well known back in the day." "Well known for crummy fashion sense," said Ruby. "Hey! We looked good!" said Qrow, "And I have a number of inappropriate stories that'll back that up. But I'll save those when you're older." "Ew, gross," said Ruby. "Anyway, I'm too old to be hanging out with a bunch of kids. You're gonna cramp my style." Qrow was walking out before saying, "Look, just remember that you all have a long way to go. Don't think for a second that when you graduate, you're done learning. Everyday out there is worth a week in this place. You two are gonna go far. But only if you keep learning. If you never stop moving forward. And you two, look after them like they're your own sisters." Qrow then walked out of the dorm.

Weiss was still working with Winter with her Summoning. "I know you can do it Weiss," said Alex, "focus." "Excellent form," said Winter, "now think to your fallen foes. The ones who pushed you past who you were and become who you are now! Think of them and watch them come to your side." Weiss was struggling to envision her foes who pushed her to her limits. "C'mon Weiss," said Esther. Weiss soon said, "I can't." Winter then smacked her on the back of the head and Alex followed on Winter. "Alex!" cried Esther, "Not every action needs a retaliation! We've been through this before!" "Stop doubting yourself," said Winter to Weiss. "I'm trying!" whined Weiss. "If this is what you call trying, then you have no hope of winning the Tournament, let alone succeeding as a Huntress. Why don't you just move back home? I'm sure father will give you a nice job as a receptionist." Alex then snickered while Esther rolled her eyes at Winter. "I don't need his charity," said Weiss. "But you do need his money," said Winter. The 3 Dream Team members looked at Winter in shock. "How did you know about that?" asked Weiss. "I may have been in a similar situation when I joined the military. So what have you done this time?" "That's just it, I don't know. I went to pay for lunch, but my card didn't work." "How embarrassing. Perhaps he cut you off." Esther then realized what Winter was doing. "Why would he do that?" asked Alex. "So that she'd stop avoiding him and call home." Weiss then summoned another Summoning Glyph and focused harder. "Emotions can grant you," said Winter, "but you must never let them over power you. It sounds to me like you have two choices in front of you. You can either call him, beg for his money, and explain why you want to study Beacon over Atlas. Or you could explore Remnant more and discover more about the world, and maybe yourself." Winter then hugged Weiss and said, "It's time for me to go." Weiss hugged her back and said, "It was really good to see you Winter." "Until next time sister," said Winter. Winter then left, with Weiss, Alex and Esther following close behind. Unknown to them, a small sword was summoned, and it was there from Weiss. Winter's ship left that night, and Weiss, Alex and Esther all said goodbye. Weiss' scroll then vibrated, showing her father calling again. "You gonna answer that?" asked Esther. Weiss looked to her friends and said, "Nope." She then turned her scroll off and headed off to her dorm. Alex and Esther followed. Bendy was walking and asked them, "Hey have you guys seen Alice?"

Alice, meanwhile, had gotten suspicious of Emerald and Mercury so she snuck into their dorm, and looked around. She then saw the tablet, and opened it. "What is this?" she asked herself. She looked at a strange app, and saw that it was able to chose who would be selected in the rounds. "They chose who they would fight," she thought. She then found a strange list, with different people, but at the top, what she saw scared her. The title was call "Target Students in the Festival" and at the top of the list, was Bendy and Pyrrha. "Oh no," she said, "I've gotta warn the team. They trust Emerald and Mercury. They could be in dan..." Alice was then knocked out cold before she could finish. When she woke up, she tried to put her hands to her head, but her hands were bound behind her. She looked down to see her legs and torso were tied to a chair. Alice tried to call for help, but she was gagged with a cloth. The door opened to revel Cinder. "Hey, Cinder," said Charlie, "We got a snooping maiden." "Mmmmph?" said Alice through the gag. "Hello, dear Alice," said Cinder, "It's a pleasure to finally meet the lost maiden." Alice sneered at her.

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