Chapter One: You Guys are Idiots, of Course I'll be your friend

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I awoke to someone walking down the hallway.

No not just someone, Oliva, the maid.
I could tell by the sound of the steps and how far apart they were.

A knock on the door.
"I'm up." I sat up in the bed as the door swung open.

"Good morning Natalia." There was a pause and then the voice came from lower, towards the dog bed "And good morning Blue."

I heard her rummaging around in the wardrobe.

"Whats the weather out like today?"

I asked standing up and counting the steps over to my vanity.

"Not Sure. you should go check."
I sat down on the stool as Oliva returned clothing in hand.

I stood and pulled the nightgown over my head, tossing it onto the bed.

"Step in."
Carefully I moved forward stepping into the skirt.

I grabbed it from Oliva and quickly zipped it.
"Okay everything is laid out in order on the bed."
I nodded and her footsteps left the room.

I suppose I should introduce myself.

My name is Natalia Falto and if you haven't guessed I'm blind. I have been my whole life. Never known anything other than the darkness.
Oh and a few light spots every once and awhile.

As I finished buttoning the blouse Olivia laid out for me Blue got up and grabbed his harness, pulling it over to me.

Quickly I clipped it on before pulling my hair into a ponytail.

"Blue. Kitchen."

He waited till I had a hand on his harness and then brought me out to the kitchen.
"Good morning dear."
"Morning Dad."

Blue helped me find a chair at the table and I sat down.

"How's the weather out today?"
"Clear skies, it should be pretty warm out."

Olivia set a plate in front of me.

"Eggs, fork is at 3, glass, orange juice at 11." Oliva said.
"Thank you."

After Breakfast I washed up and sat down in the living room.

"Yes dear?"
"Can I go for a walk? I'll take Blue with me."
I heard him sigh from the kitchen.
"As long as your careful. And bring your cane."

I turned to Blue, whos head was in my lap.
"Blue, cane, bag." He stood up and trotted off to my room.

Blue isn't just for leading me, he's also a sort of emotional support dog.
Things can get kind of depressing when you're stuck in the dark all day.

He came back into the room with my things.
"Thank you."

I slipped the messenger bag over my shoulder and grabbed my cane.
"And try to be back by dinner."
Olivia called from the kitchen.
"Got it."
Blue made a little noise like he got it to.

We headed down to the door of the house which I opened.

Immediately the sounds of the city filled my ears.

Lots of people were walking around, and I could here the newsies shouting headlines down the street.

I counted down the five steps with Blue at my side.

Blue's harness in my left hand, and my cane in my right I started down the street.
"How about central park? Ay boy?" Blue half barked in agreement, and I began to count the steps it would take to get there.

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