Chapter Three: Feeling Colors (yeah it sounded stupid to me too)

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As I drew I listened to the passersby.
Central Park always has foot traffic, no matter the time.
Thats why the boys say its guaranteed.

Someone slowly crept up behind me.
Based on the sound of it they were trying to scare me.

I heard them draw in a breath and get ready to shout something.

"You can't sneak up on me Spottie."
He sighed and came around the bench to sit next to me.

"Thats not fair! Youse should be easy to sneak up on, ya can't even see!"
"Yes Spottie I'm aware." I said dejectedly.

I started to add the details on to what I had been drawing when he grabbed the sketchpad from my lap.

"Woah. Dese are pretty good."
"Give me my sketchbook back."
"No, Ise just lookin at it."

I crossed my arms and sat while he flipped through the pages.
"For someone who ain't seein youse pretty good at dat. It'd be better wit some color though."
I fiddled with the hem of my skirt as he kept looking through.

"I already told you, I can't see colors Spottie."
"You can't see dem but I gots an idea come on."

The sketchbook gently ended up back in my hands and I tucked it into my bag. I stood up slinging the bag over my shoulder and grabbed Blue's harness.

"Here." My cane was handed to me, and we started walking through the park.

"Why do you even need a cane?" He linked our arms together and I tucked it under my other arm. 

"I use it to make sure I don't trip on things that Blue might miss. It's much more useful than a pimp cane that just sits in a belt loop."

I felt His posture changed, clearly confused on how I had managed that.
"How did you?"

"The way you walk, I could hear it moving. It's kinda obvious."

He sighed and I think he shook his head.
We walked in silence for a little while.

"Aren't you supposed to be selling papers?"
"Nah, I got one of my boys doin it."
"Your boys?"

"Uh yeah. Whatever, come on wes almost der."
We took a sharp turn.
"Okay one step down."

We stepped down onto some sort of platform that shifted below us, ever so slightly.

"Why are we on a dock?"
"Cause we are, come on."

I could hear him climb up onto something.
"Okay my hand is right next to your right one, grab it I'll pull you up."

I sighed, let go of Blue's harness, set my cane down and found his hand.
Spot hoisted me up easily.
"Blue, stay."

I heard the dog lay back down on the dock.
"So where are we?"

Spot laughed and helped me to not fall as I sat down next to him.

"Dis is my place."
"You live on a dock?"

He chuckled "No I live in da lodgin house, dis is just my spot. My throne."

I could hear the water of the river moving somewhere below us.
"Okay? Why are we here?"

He shifted next to me before talking "Well you said youse couldn't see colors so I'm showing you colors."

I couldn't help but giggle.
"Thats not how that works Spottie."

"Well if ya can't see colas you can feel colas."
"That's ridiculous."
"Nothin is ever ridiculous Lia."

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