Chapter 15: Jackie Boys a traitor

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Olivia said it was okay for me to go back to the strike the next day, but only after making Spot and Tommy Boy swear they'd keep an eye on me.

"I heard they tried ta get Jackie boy outta da refuge again last night." Spot said as we started down to the square.

"Did it actually work?"
"I ain't got no clue. Ise seen the Mouth out walkin late when I was headin home, looked real angry bout sometin."

"Well did you ask what happened?"
"No. Ya think I wanna spend more time talkin ta da mouth dan I have to?"

I sighed "It would've helped but whatever."

Before long we had joined the crowd of kids in the square.  a line of police men gathered, keeping our group from getting too close to the entrance to the bullpen.
Spot and I stood near this line, listening to the others chants.

"Theres a lot more scabers than yesterday." Boots reported.
"And now theres bulls. They've gots bulls too." Sniper added.

I sighed as they started away, jumping slightly when Spot's hand came to rest on top of mine where it was resting on Blue's harness. "Hey, wes gonna win dis."

I started to say something back when another fight broke out not to far away.
"Hey, knock it off! I said knock it off!" Davie yelled.

When that clearly didn't work he yelled "Hey! Race! Spot! Somebody give me a hand."

"Alright I ain't deaf!" I heard Race call.
Spot stepped away from me and by the sounds of it forcefully pulled them apart "Break it up! Break it up!"

"But he was the one who-"
Race quickly cut the boy off "We don't care who started nottin, we ain't havin no more fights!"

Spot started to mutter as he came back over.
"What is it?"

"Tell me Ise just seein things."
"I can't help you there Spottie."

He turned back to where he had just been "Hey! Race commier!"

"Just tell me Ise seein things. Just tell me ise seein things."

Race gasped a little "No you ain't seein things. It's Jack! What's he doing?"

"What's happening?" I asked.
"'Es dressed like a scabbor!" Spot yelled.

A bunch of the boys started yelling things, and calling out to Jack.
"Jack? Jack will ya look at me? Come on it's me, Mush. Look at me. What are ya doin Jack?" Mush sounded near heart broken.

"This ain't happening! This ain't happening! What are you doin? What are you doin Jack?" Blink sounded more angry than hurt.

"Come on! What's this? Where'd ya get the clothes?" Boots yelled.

"Mr. Pulitzer picked them out himself. For his special new employee." Mr. Wisel said happily.
"He sold us out!" Tommy Boy.

"I'll give ya a new suit! You bum! I'll soak ya!" Race yelled.

"Hey, hey, hey! Let me get my hands dirty! Commier you dirty rotten scabbor! Traitor!" Spot roared as he started trying to lunge at Jack through the wall of police.

A couple of the boys pulled him and Race back, leaving Davie and I standing together in disbelief.

"You still liken his lies?" I mumbled.
"Aww, you two wanna come talk ta him? Come on, come on sure." Mr. Wisel said.

The police stepped aside for a moment letting us through.
"So this is why you didn't want to escape last night." Davies statement was plain.

"I thought you were a liar before but this, this is way worse. you lied about everything. This was your plan from the beginning wasn't it? To lie your way into money just like you thought you could before." I still couldn't believe it.

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