Chapter 14: so i have to almost die to get you to talk?!?

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When I woke up, the pressure that had been on my hand was gone.

Someone pressed something cold to my forehead.
My eyes flicked open, almost expecting to be able to see the person doing it.
I reached up and grabbed the hand.

"Natalia Falto you'd better not pull anything like this again! First you don't come home for a day and a half! All your friends say they haven't seen you! Then your- hell I don't even know at this point, then Spot comes back with Racer carrying you all bloody and bruised and half passed out!" Olivia managed to say all of this in one breath.

"Yeah I wasn't planning on getting jumped." My voice came out still pretty hoarse.

Upon my response Olivia pulled me into a bone crushing hug that caused all the pain to come back all at once.
I winced and she carefully helped me sit up against the pillows.

"Where's Spot?"
She paused for a moment "Well, he said quite a few things before he left. part was something about making people pay for hurting his girl," She paused again muttering curses, "Wasn't supposed to say that part. Um, long story short he might be murdering the Delancey brothers."

I sighed "Wonderful, the rest of the boys?"
"Mostly still striking, Racer and Tommy might be helping Spot but other than that I don't really know specifics."

She left the room for a moment before coming back with a chunk of bread and a cup of water.
"How long?"

"You were missing for less than a day but still enough to scare us all. You were in and out the whole time I patched you up. Then you fell asleep. Spot stayed here almost the whole time."

I took a sip of the water.
"How bad is it?"
"You're pretty bruised, you've got a couple of scratches and a cut on your neck. You'll live. Probably, You did ruin a perfectly good blouse though. Got it all torn and bloody."

I shrugged and tore off a chunk of the bread.

"At work. Worried as hell though. I sent Kid Blink and Mush to tell him that we found you and got you patched up."

Blue rushed into the room, probably just realizing I had woken up.
He jumped up onto my bed and laid down on top of my legs.

I began to pet his head and turned to Olivia "What else did Spot say before he left?"

She sighed "Something about how stupid he had been, how he should've done something sooner? How he was going to make it up to you or something? I don't know, he said a lot of things."

He regretted not talking about it.
He wanted to talk about it.
Or Maybe I was reading too much into it.

I spent most of the day napping, ignoring Olivia's pleas to stay in bed and wandering through the house. It still hurt to move too much but I wanted to be up and about.

She had managed to corale me back into my room around 4 and thats where I sat cross legged on my bed reading when I heard the front door slam open.

"Youse an asshole! You shoulda let us keep at 'em!" Spot yelled.

The volume that began to fill the house made my head pound.
"You were going to kill Them!" Race managed to be somehow yelling and remaining calm at the same time.

"That was the point!"
Wow even Tommy had been yelling.

Olivia sighed loudly "Homicide would've not been appreciated."

"Well maybe ta youse but I know it woulda made us feel better!"

After a moment all the yelling tapered off.
I began to start to mark my book to get up when the door opened and someone was shoved inside, followed by the door slamming closed.

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