Chapter Two: Does it Look like i can see where im Going?!?

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"I'll be back for dinner Oliva. I always am." I reassured her before counting to the door, where Blue stood waiting.
"I know, you always do."

I was suppose to be going to the Irving Hall, Dad had gotten me an audition there, to see if I could sing in Miss Meddas show.

Unfortunately I had only been there once and had forgotten how to count there.
I remembered this only now, as I found myself completely and utterly lost.

"What have we gotten ourselves into now Blue?" I mumbled to the dog as we walked along.
He seemed to notice something and turned left at a corner.

"Well hopefully one of us knows where we're going."
I listened to the sounds of the city as we walked.

It could only have been 2 so there wasn't much foot traffic on the sidewalk. Judging by the occasional carriage to pass we had made it pretty far from the usual bustling streets I had used to.

I heard a newsie calling out headlines behind me, but I didn't recognize the voice.
I became so intent on trying to recognize it I stopped paying attention to the tapping of my cane and walked straight into someone.
I fell to the ground having lost my grip on Blue's harness, the cane fell out of my hand and went rolling.

"Hey! Watch where youse goin!"
I recognize that voice.
A little.

It had a heavy Brooklyn accent.
I'm in Brooklyn?

"Kinda hard to, sorry."
I could hear the exasperation in his voice at his next words "How is it hard to watch where ya goin, goily."

He rushed to my side and I grabbed his harness pulling myself up and smoothing my skirt.

"Cane, oh and it is hard, especially when you can't see. Thanks for knocking me down, bud."
"Youse blind?"

Blue came back with my cane and I grabbed it, using it to poke in the guys direction.

"I am, so sorry. I didnt realize-"
"Shut up. I don't need your sympathy. I'm Natalia, My friends call my Sights."

He laughed, a little "Youse dat goil Jackie Boys Newsies adopted or whateva."
"Yeah you could say that. You got the time?"

He paused for a moment, and I could hear a pocket watch open and close.
"Almost three."
Damn it.

"Well as much as I'd love to stand here talking to some random guy I don't know i've got to get to Irving hall."
"Irving hall? Youse a long way from Irving hall."

Well great.
"You got directions or somthin bud?"
He sighed "I'll take ya dere. Here gimme your arm."

"I can walk for myself, and even if I couldn't I most certainly would not be escorted by someone I don't know."

I could hear him scratch at his head "I'm Sean. Dey call mes Spot. Now come on."

I rolled my eyes and let him take my arm.
Tucking my cane under my other arm I grabbed Blue's harness and we were off.
"So how do you know Jack?"

I felt him shrug "Ise a newsie too. He's from Hatten Ise from Brooklyn, we know each other like dat."

I nodded "Interesting."
"How'd a goil like you end up in Brooklyn tryin ta get to da Irving Hall?"

"Well it has something to do with the fact that I can't see and the fact that I've only been there once and didn't count my way there or back."
He became quiet for a moment "Yeah dat makes sense. Watch out, loose cobble left side. Why da ya need to be at irving Hall dis early, I thought they didn't do shows till later."
"I have an audition."

He laughed "Youse? Onstage singin?"
"Yeah, Dad says I'm quite good, plus ya cant get stage fright if ya can't see the audience ay Spottie."

"Dont call me dat."
"To late."
He sighed "Your dog's cute." 

"Is he? No one ever described him to me."
Spot adjusted my arm in his "Well, hes uh, I think there called Dalmatians? So 'es white wit little black spots all over. An' 'es got one right over 'is right eye. 'Is eyes are different colors, one is a warm hazely color, like chocolate, and the other is bluer than the ocean."

I giggled "You do realize I was joking right?"
"People describe him to me alot. I just pretend to know what there talking about when they talk about colors."

He made the slightest little noise, somewhere between a gasp and an Idea.
"Youse never seen colors?"

"I've never seen anything."
He 'hhmmed' to himself quietly.

"We're here. Ten steps to the door." I smiled and we began to ascend the stairs up to the entrance.
"Thanks Spottie."

"I'm gonna wait round 'ere till ya done dat way youse get home without wanderin to odder burroughs."
"If you insist."
He pulled the door open for me and I stepped inside.

After the audition I had nearly forgot that he said he would be out there waiting.
I could only think about how terribly it had gone.
I sang my heart out but the director there told me I wasn't 'what they were looking for' and a 'if i could see I would have nailed it for sure." 
Slowly I let Blue guide me out the door.

"How'd it go?"

I jumped at the sound of Spot's voice.
"It uh it was okay."
I tightened my grip on Blue's harness as Spot walked over.
"Come on, lets get ya home."
I gave Spot the address and we walked in silence as I counted the turns and steps to get home.

"Hey Sights! Where were youse da other day? I thought you said you were gonna be at Jacobi's after your audition."

I Didn't look up as I heard Race approach.
"I uh, didn't feel up to it."

He plopped down next to me and I quickly closed my sketchbook so he couldn't see.
"You didn't get a slot didja?"

"Nope. Apparently it doesn't matter how well you sing, you have to be able to see to be in show business."
Race sighed "Ghee I'm sorry."

"It's fine Race. I wansn't cut out for it anyway."
He stood up and patted my shoulder. "I gotta go, I'll see ya later at Jacobi's though right?"
"Yeah. I'll be there."

He walked away and Blue sat up and began to lick at my wrist.
"Blue I already know I'm sad you don't need to tell me."
I tucked my legs up under myself and re adjusted on the bench before reopening my sketchbook and continuing to draw.

This chapter definitely isn't a day late

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