Chapter 16: Key Changeeee!!!!!!

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That night, or should I say early that morning Katie  and I snuck out, collected the boys and started to the World Building.

"Okay, this way." Katie whispered.
I followed behind everyone as we kept through the silent building.

"There's stairs down to the cellar, probably like 14 or 15 of them." Darcy said from beside me.

"Okay! I'll get the lights, you guys get the windows unlocked." Katie said.
"You've got a lotta keys here Kath, you been pickin ya dads pockets?" Jack asked.

She laughed "The janitors been working here since he was eight and hasn't had a raise in 20 years. He's with us a hundred percent."

"All the fellas are outside waitin. They're keepin an eye on Blue." I jumped as Davie spoke from behind me.
"More like he's keeping an eye on them."

We made it all the way into the cellar and I heard the slight humm of electricity as the lights came on.

"Well there she is, boys!" Katie exclaimed.
"Wow A platen press. Looks like your father never got rid of anything." Denton said, clearly examining the press.

"Is this really what they print the papes on?" Race asked.
"Well, I can see why they threw this old girl to the cellar but she'll definitely do the job." Darcy announced.

"Oh yeah Jack, Denton this is Darcy, he knows everything there is to know about printing."
"You work for da papes?"

"Yeah, my father owns the Trib." Darcy said absently having already gone back to examining the press.
"Woah." Jack muttered.

"And this is Bill, he's an asshole, he'll type set the article for us." I said gesturing to where I had last heard him talking.

"I am not an Asshole! Darc tell her I'm not an asshole!" Bill complained.
"I can't. Your being an ass right now." Darcy said once again partially taking my side.

"Right..... So uh Bill? I suppose your the son of William Randolph Hearst?" Jack said jokingly.

I tried to hold in a giggle as Bill said, "And proud to be part of your revolution."
"A little grease and she should do the job." Denton said bringing us back to what actually need to be happening.

"Alright, heres how this will work, As we print the papes Race you let the guys in and they'll spread the papes to every working kid in the city." Davey said.

"And after that it's up to them." I sighed.
I heard Race start back up the stairs to the landing and begin to open the windows.

"There's change coming once and for all." Jack started to sing.
"You makes the front page and man you is major news." Davie sang joining him.
"Tomorrow they'll see who we are," I joined the harmony.

"And sure as a star, we ain't come this far to lose!" Sarah and Katie sang with us.
"Here they come!" Race called.

Sure enough the sound of people climbing in and starting down the stairs filled my ears.
"This is the story we needed to write, as we're kept out of sight but no more. In a few hours by dawns early light light we'll be ready to fight us a war." They all began to sing as Denton and Darcy began to give out instructions.

"Jackie Boy."

I heard them shake hands, and then Spot came the rest of the way down the stairs, catching me in a quick kiss.

"This time we're in it to stay. Talk about seizing the day."
"Write it in ink or blood its the same either way! There gonna damn well pay." Jack sang.
I could hear the press start as the guys started working.

"Guess who didn't get caught." I said.

Spot headed off to help the rest of the boys.
"See old man Pulitzer's snug in his bed, he don't care if we're dead or alive! Three satin pillows is under his head while wes begging for bread to survive. Joe you can stop counting sheep! Were gonna sing ya to sleep! You've got your thugs with there sticks and there clubs, Yeah! But We've got a promise to keep!"

"Once and for all if they don't mind there manors we'll bleed 'em! (Bleed Em)" Jack sang.

"Once and for all we won't carry no banners that don't spell freedom!" Race yelled.
I could hear something start to be passed around.

"Finally we're rasing the stakes! This time whatever it takes! This time the union awakes! Once and for all!"

A paper found it's way into my hands.
I groaned "Stop handing me things I can't see!"

Sarah snatched the paper from me as Spot came to stand beside me again.
"In the words of union leader Jack Kelly 'we will work with you, we will work for you, but we will be treated as valued members of your organization'" She read.

"Riveting stuff huh?" Katie asked.
"Yeah but you guys better get a move on, you've got a very important man to see." Jack said.

"You'd better keep your fingers crossed." Sarah said.
"Come on, we've gotta get moving." Denton called.

Katie and Sarah followed him back up the stairs as everyone went back to work on the press.
"This is for kids shining shoes on the street with no shoes on there feet everyday! This is for guys sweatin blood in the shops while there bosses and cops look away! I'm seeing kids standing tall! Glarin and rarin to brawl! Armies of guys who are sick of the lies getting ready to rise to the call! Once and for all there'll be blood on the wall if they doubt us! They think they're running this town but this town will shut down without us!"

Spot grabbed my hand, "Come on."
He pulled me along and up the stairs with the rest of the guys onto the landing.

"Ten thousand kids in the square! (ten thousand kids in the square) Ten thousand fists in the air! (ten thousand fists) Joe you is gonna play fair once and for all!" We all sang.

"Once and for all! (once and for all) Once and for all! (once and for all) Once and for all! (once and for all). There's change coming once and for all! Your getting too old! Too weak to keep holding on! A new world is gunning for you and Joe we is too! Till once and for all your gone!"

"Once and for all!" Davie sang.
"Once and for all!"
"Once and for all!" Everyone's voices began to mix together.

Everyone began to climb back out the windows and out the street.
"Finally a banner worth carryin!" One of them yelled.

Eventually when most of them had moved out of the way Spot grabbed my hand "Ready?"
"Yeah." Carefully he helped me up and out of  the window, handed me his stack of papers and climbed out himself.

"Well, Looks like wes got a banner ta carry."

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