Chapter 1: Dashing First Day

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[Rainbow Dash's House]

5:13 AM



Rainbow Dash: *Murmurs while sleeping* Hmmm..5 More Minutes!!


Rainbow Dash: Alright Alright I'm Up!! *opens her eyes slowly and yawns* Hmmm Geez...What time is it anyway? *Looks at her alarm clock*

5:14 AM

Rainbow Dash: Oh Dang!! 5:14!! THE BUS WILL BE HERE IN 1 MINUTE!! *Uses her Super Speed to Eat, Shower and change to her School Outfit*

[10 Seconds Later]

Rainbow Dash: *Finished It All* Done!! And Only 10 Seconds Flat *she grabs her backpack, walks outside and closes the door* In 5...4..3..2..1..

[School Bus Finally Arrived in front of her house]

Rainbow: Wow, That was perfect timing *She chuckled a bit and walks in the bus*

School Bus Driver: The Good Thing Is that you're the last and New student I have to pick up and the last seat is in the back seats *points at the back seats*

The Students: *All Looks at Rainbow Dash*

Rainbow Dash: *Nervous Wreck* I...Uuuhhmmm..H-Hi.. *she nervously walks to the back seat and finally sits down, Sighs and talks to herself* Geez Rainbow Dash, why are you so nervous? You're a new student here and yet you're nervous, Come On Man Up and don't be a wimp!!

And Suddenly a Cotton Candy Haired girl sat beside her and gave her a big smile (•‿•)

Pinkie Pie: Hi There Rainbow Girl, I'm Pinkie Pie *Shakes her hand* Nice to meet you!!

Rainbow Dash: *Becomes so nervous* Uuhhmmm....Uuhhh... *Sweats like a waterfall*

Pinkie Pie: Egh...You Okay? *Lets go of RD's Hand*

Rainbow Dash: *Stays Silent while being nervous*

Pinkie Pie: Hey don't be Nervous, you're gonna have lots of fun here at Canterlot High!!

The Students: *Looks at both of them*

Rainbow Dash: *Sweats and becomes more nervous* I....Uuhh...Uuhhmmm..

Pinkie Pie: Reeeelax *Pulls RD close to her* I'm sure you'll fit right in

[A few Minutes Later]

Rainbow Dash: *Walks out of the school bus with the other students and looks at the school* Woah, So this is canterlot high?

Pinkie Pie: *Suddenly Appears beside her* HEY!!

Rainbow Dash: GAH!! Stop Doing that!!

Pinkie Pie: Sorry, I'm always excited when new Students come here, You want me to give you a tour?

Rainbow Dash: *Looks at Pinkie Pie* Uuuhhmmm I think I'll just go on my own

Pinkie Pie: Oh Come on, You'll get lost jere, it's a Big School

Rainbow Dash: *Sighs* Fine!! But No Surprises Okay?

Pinkie Pie: Ay Ay Captain *Salutes*

Rainbow Dash: *Laughs a bit* You're a funny And Energetic girl, huh?

Pinkie Pie: Yep and want some candy before we go on tour?

Rainbow Dash: Uuuhhmmm Sure?

Pinkie Pie: *Pulls a wrapped candy out of her hair and gives it to RD* Here you go

Rainbow Dash: Thanks? *Grabs the candy* I'll just eat this later

Pinkie Pie: Now Let's go you Lazy Head, we have 10 Minutes before classes start *Holds her hand and walks both of them in school*

Rainbow: Woah..Hey Hey!!

To Be Continued

Word Count: 522

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