Chapter 14: First Kiss

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[A Few Weeks Later]

[In The CHS Soccer field]

Rainbow Dash: *practicing her soccer skills in the field*

Pinkie Pie: *cheering her* WOOHOOO!! GO RAINBOW DASH!! *Throws confetti*

Rainbow Dash: *Smiles and bicycle Kicks the Soccer ball to the field* GOAL!!

Pinkie Pie: *Runs to her and hugs her* Yey!! Congrats Rainbow Dash!!

Rainbow Dash: *chuckles* Nah it was nothing, I play and practice a lot

Pinkie Pie: *gives her a towel* Here

Rainbow Dash: Oh Thanks *grabs the towel and wipes her sweat off*

Pinkie Pie: *Helps her wipe off her sweat* Here let me help

Rainbow Dash: *blushes* Hey hey~ you don't need to do that

Pinkie Pie: Yeah you're right...*frowns*

Rainbow Dash: Hey no, I didn't mean to say tha-

Pinkie Pie: I'll do this instead *Kisses her on the lips* Hmmmm~ Mwah~

Rainbow Dash: *Blushes and suddenly froze* . . . . . .

Pinkie Pie: *Licks her lip* Hmm~ Rainbow Flavored~ *chuckles and looks at RD* Rainbow Dash? Yoohoo!!

Rainbow Dash: *blushing like a red tomato while frozen*

Pinkie Pie: *kisses her again* Hmmmm~ Mwah~

Rainbow Dash: *Passes out*

Pinkie Pie: Aahh Welp *clears throat* MEDIC!!


[In the Nurses Clinic]

Rainbow Dash: *wakes up* Uugghh.. What Happened?

Nurse Redheart: Oh you're finally awake, Pinkie Pie said you passed out, Dear but you're gonna be okay

Rainbow Dash: *looks around* Where is she anyway?

Nurse Redheart: She's sitting and waiting for you outside

Rainbow Dash: *rubs her head*How long was i out?

Nurse Redheart: Hmmm...30 Minutes

Rainbow Dash: How long has she been waiting?

Nurse Redheart: 20 Minutes, The 10 Minutes is where she was crying and calling your name, she thinks I'm gonna do a surgery on you

Rainbow Dash: Oh-

Nurse Redheart: Well go on now, I have another student gonna be checking up

Rainbow Dash: *Gets off the bed and Walks out of the clinic and looks for Pinkie* Pinkie Pie?

Pinkie Pie: *Hugs Her* Oh Rainbow Dash!!  *worried and crying* WAAAHH!!

Rainbow Dash: Woah calm down, I'm okay now~ don't worry

Pinkie Pie: *Kisses her on the lips again* Hmmm~

Rainbow Dash: *shocked and kisses back instead* Hmmm~

Snips: *looks at both of them* HEY!!

RD and Pinkie: *stops and acts natural while blushing*

Snips: No Kissing in the hallways, I'm the hall Monitor here *walks away*

Rainbow and Pinkie: *looks at each other and continues kissing* Hmmmph~

[Later Dismissal]

Rainbow Dash: *Putting her notebook in her locker and thinks about her kiss with pinkie pie* Geez, Her lips taste so sweet~

Pinkie Pie: *Hugs her from behind* Hey there, Sweet Pee~

Rainbow Dash: Woah hey, Pinkie~ ready to go home?

Pinkie Pie: Yeah, Can you carry me to my house~ *giggles*

Rainbow Dash: Hey, Why~? *Chuckles*

Pinkie Pie: I wanna hangout with you again though

Rainbow Dash: And what? So we can kiss again?

Pinkie Pie: I Guess so~ *smirks*

Rainbow Dash: How about tomorrow, i go to your house, since tomorrow is Saturday, i hope you're free~ *winks*

Pinkie Pie: I'll make a surprise for you tomorrow *smirks*

Rainbow Dash: Okay Okay, lemme carry you now *carries Pinkie on her back*

Pinkie Pie: Giddy Up, Horsey *slaps her butt*

Rainbow Dash: Ow~!! Not there *walks out of the school and carries pinkie Pie Home*

...To be Continued...

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