Chapter 10: BFF Hangout [Part 2]

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Pinkie Pie: *Pulls Rainbow Dash in the store with her*

Rainbow Dash: WOAH HEY!!

Pinkie Pie: *Grabs a shopping cart*

Rainbow Dash: ಠ_ಠ Wait that shopping cart is too big, Are we gonna buy a lot?!

Pinkie Pie: No, But Actually Yes

Rainbow Dash: Uugghh!! Come on, let's buy what you "Really" want

[A Bit of Shopping Later]

The Store Cashier: Next- *looks at the Fully loaded Shopping cart* ಠ_ಠ Woah

Pinkie Pie: Hi!! We would like to purchase all in this shopping cart

The Store Cashier: *Sighs* My Job keeps getting harder and harder

Rainbow Dash: Yeah, Tell me about it

[10 Minutes Later]

Rainbow Dash: *carries the box* G-geez!! you should've only bought a little bit of pastries

Pinkie Pie: Nah it's enough for the hangout

Rainbow Dash: ಠ_ಠ Sometimes I think if I'm the only one suffering

[A Long Walk Later]

Rainbow Dash: *panting from Carrying the box* G-GEEZ...PINKIE...PIE..*Catching her breath*

Pinkie Pie: Come on!! On the Double Rainbow Dash!! *Picks her up and the pastry box*

Rainbow Dash: MAKE ME SUFFER!!

Pinkie Pie: Nah you won't suffer when we get inside

Rainbow Dash: *Sighs*

[A Few Inches Later]

Rainbow Dash: *on the floor* Are we there yet?

Pinkie Pie: *Drops the box on her* Here carry this

Rainbow Dash: OW!!

Pinkie Pie: Lemme just get the Keys *looks for it in her pockets*

Rainbow Dash: *gets up* Hnngg..Aren't keys hidden under place mats or in that Gnome beside the door

Pinkie Pie: Oh...Yeah you're right *looks for the key in the bush*

Rainbow Dash: PINKIE-

Pinkie Pie: FOUND IT!! *Grabs the key*

Rainbow Dash: ಠ___ಠ Wot

Pinkie Pie: *Uses the key and opens the door* OPEN SESAME!!

Rainbow Dash: Woah *shocked and surprised from the interior of her house*

Pinkie Pie: Welcome to my House, As you can see, I Love Alone *sad face*

Rainbow Dash: Awww Sa-

Pinkie Pie: Just Kidding, I have my Sister Maud living with me

Rainbow Dash: 👁️👄👁️ *Carries the box* Where will a put this anyway?

Pinkie Pie: Upstairs to my room

Rainbow Dash: *looks at the stairs* Seryusly?! I have to carry this heavy box to your room, don't you have a living room?

Pinkie Pie: I Have, but we can't die there

Pinkie Pie: Because it's a "Living Room"


Rainbow Dash: Pfft...I Get it...*suddenly laughs*

Pinkie Pie: See? I know you love my Puns

Rainbow Dash: *Stops* Anyway why can't we use the living room?

Pinkie Pie: Well...Uuhhmmm...Accident

Rainbow Dash: What Accident?

Pinkie Pie: It Was-


...OR NOT...

Well another 2 Chapters for my story, I hope you guys love my stories, I've been working hard on them, Please Vote them too so I can have more Motivation 💜💜

Love you all and see you in the next chapters

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