Chapter 12: A Candy "Crush"

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(Later That Day)

Rainbow Dash: *Drinks some milk* I Need to forget it!! Why do i feel like having a crush on her?! What should i do?!


Rainbow Dash: Who is it?

Pinkie Pie: Its Me!! Now open up Rainbow Dash!! *Rings the doorbell again*

Rainbow Dash: *Shocked and Blushes* I... UUUHMMM!! JUST A SECOND!! *Hurries herself to get dressed up* DONE!! *Walks downstairs and trips* OW OW OW OW OW!!

Pinkie Pie: *Slowly opens the door* I'm In! *Looks around and sees RD on the floor* You Okay?

Rainbow Dash: *muffled noises* You think? *Stands up* Ow!!

Pinkie Pie: Hey~ *smiles*

Rainbow Dash: *blushes*

Pinkie Pie: Why were you in such a hurry? And why are you blushing?

Rainbow Dash: *shivering a bit* I Uuhhmmm...Nothing!!

Pinkie Pie: *Hugs her* Shush Shush, i already know

Rainbow Dash: *blushing so hard* WHAT?!

Pinkie Pie: Yes....You Love my Cupcakes so much that you're blushing *smiles*

Rainbow Dash: *still blushing* Yes! That's it!!

Pinkie Pie: Yey, lets hang out again

Rainbow Dash: What?! Again?!

Pinkie Pie: Yeah but this time, its gonna be more fun

Rainbow Dash: *Blushing so much*

Pinkie Pie: Awww someones blushing cause of too much excitement!! LETS GO!! *Carries RD on her Back and runs*

Rainbow Dash: Woah woah hey!!

[Later In The Mall]

Pinkie Pie: *Holding her RDs hand while looking around the pastry store again*

Rainbow Dash: *blushing* don't have to hold my hand Pinkie-

Pinkie Pie: We're best friends, we hold each others hand *smiles and winks*

Rainbow Dash: Y-yeah.... you're r-right

Pinkie Pie: Hey, wanna go to the smoothie shop instead? My treat

Rainbow Dash: Y-you mean its...a Date?!

Pinkie Pie: No Silly, just a regular hangout *Carries RD on her back again and walks*

Rainbow Dash: *Sighs and calms down and talks to herself* Why do i feel on liking her so much? Do i really have feelings for her? Does she hear what I'm saying?! *Looks at Pinkie Pie*

Pinkie Pie: *looks back* Hey~ we're not almost there to the shop though *keeps walking while carrying RD on her back*

Rainbow Dash: Well..i Guess she doesn't, When should i say i....Have a Crush on her? Now?! Maybe?! Never?! AAAAAHHHH!!

Pinkie Pie: *looks at her again* Hey you don't have to shout, I Like you too though~ *Winks*

Rainbow Dash: *Blushes* What?! You heard what i said?!

Pinkie Pie: Yep and I also like you too

Rainbow Dash: *blushing too much and passes out*

Pinkie Pie: Yey we're almost there, I'll wake you up when we get there

..To Be Continued..


Guys I'm really sorry for the late updates of this story, I've been focusing on drawing and Stuff but i finally did it

Also the Official Ending of this is going to be Chapter 20, I Hope you guys Understand on why I'm making it short

I hope you guys loved my story 💜💜

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