Chapter 4: Detention

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Mr Cranky: *escorting Pinkie and RD to the Principals office*

Pinkie Pie: I Never gotten to the Principals office though *looks at RD* how about you?

Rainbow Dash: Pinkie Pie, This was my first time going to the principals office and into Detention

Pinkie Pie: Ooohh well don't worry, Will get over it soon, I've learned my lesson on not Starting food fights anymore

Mr Cranky: Can you two stop talking now? We're Here, now walk inside and the principal will talk to you *opens the principals office door*

Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash: *walks in the office*

Mr Cranky: *Walks inside with them and closes the door*

Principal Celestia: *Turns her chair around and looks at both of them* Girls, I'm very disappointed at what you two did, But since Rainbow Dash here is still in her first day, I'll give you two a 20 Minutes Detention Only

Pinkie Pie: *looks at Rainbow Dash*

Rainbow Dash: *Looks back at Pinkie Pie* What? 👁️👄👁️

Pinkie Pie: Only 20 Minutes *gives her a big smile*

Rainbow Dash: Yeah, 20 Minutes only, I know *eye rolls*

Principal Celestia: Now Mr Cranky will escort you two to the detention room and I hope both of you learned your lesson after that

Mr Cranky: *Opens the door*

Pinkie Pie: Okie Dokie, Principal Celestia *stands up and walks outside

Rainbow Dash: *sighs and follows Pinkie Pie*

Mr Cranky: *Looks at Principal Celestia* I ain't going to give them extra time or something to do, right?

Principal Celestia: Rainbow Dash is still new here, Mr Cranky, The 20 Minute detention is enough for her

Mr Cranky: Well at least she'll learn her lesson *walks out of the room and closes the door*

Principal Celestia: *sighs and drinks her coffee* Another Day of being a principal here

Mr Cranky: *escorts RD and Pinkie to the Detention Room* This way you two

Pinkie Pie and RD: *follows Mr Cranky to the Detention room*

A Few Rooms Passed Later

Mr Cranky: *opens the Detention room Door and walks in the room* You two will be staying in here for 20 Minutes only, if I fell asleep, Just walk outside if your time is Up

Pinkie Pie And Rainbow Dash: *walks In and sits beside each other*

Mr Cranky: Now if you two need me *closes the door, walks to his desk and sits on a chair* I'll be here..sleeping *suddenly falls asleep* Zzz zzz...

Rainbow Dash: Great, its my first day on a new school and I'm in detention on the first day

Pinkie Pie: I'm sorry Rainbow Dash, I might got too excited on starting that Food Fight

Rainbow Dash: *Looks at her* Pinkie, I was embarrassed when you told Lunch Lady Smith about her sandwich and she misheard my name

Pinkie Pie: Nah don't worry, I'm sure it will be over soon and I'll be here by your side

Rainbow Dash: Fine and I forgive you, Also do you still have those Hair candies you have?

Pinkie Pie: *Pulls a wrapped candy hair and gives it to Rainbow Dash* Here you go

Rainbow Dash: *chuckles* You're Quiet Funny to be honest

Pinkie Pie: Why Thank you *giggles*

To Be Continued...

Now I'll be back to drawing now, Stay tuned for it ;)

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