Chapter 6: "Friendly" Chat

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Rainbow Dash: *Opens her house door and walks in her house* Geez...what a first day of school it has been *walks to her couch and lays down* Hmmmm...lemme chat Pinkie pie if she's bored *grabs her phone and chats Pinkie*

Pinkie Pie: Online

Rainbow Dash: Online

RD: Yoh Pinkie, You there?

Pinkie Pie: What a Coinky Dink, Yes I Am

RD: So, I wanna thank you for giving me a tour at school a few hours ago and getting us into trouble

Pinkie Pie: Nah It's fine, But I hope you had fun with that food fight too

RD: Pinkie...I was embarrassed when Lunch Lady Smith misheard my name

Pinkie Pie: Don't worry, that name will be forgotten except for me 😜

RD: NO!! I swear to Celestia, One Word out of your mouth and I'll make you pay

Pinkie Pie: But all I got is 10 Dollars

RD: that's not what I meant!!

Pinkie Pie: Ooohh I thought you'll make me pay literally 😂😂😂

RD: Oh Pinkie Pie, You're a type of girl with a funny personality

Pinkie Pie: Thank You ☺️

RD: So what's Up?

Pinkie Pie: Making some pastries, I'm gonna surprise someone tomorrow with it

RD: Oh Good luck Though

Pinkie Pie: Thanks RD Dash

RD: Pinkie 👁️👄👁️

Pinkie pie: Just kidding, Bye Sweetheart

RD: What did you say? 😳

Pinkie Pie: Nothing!!! Bye!!

[Pinkie Pie Is Now Offline]

RD: WAIT!! Oh come on

[RD Is now Offline]

Rainbow Dash: *puts down her phone* Geez what the heck did Pinkie Pie just said that? Calm down Rainbow Dash, maybe it's just a mistake, I'm sure it'll be over Tomorrow

... Meanwhile...

Pinkie Pie: AAAAHH!! WHY THE FLIP DID I SAY THAT?! SKSKSKSKS CALM DOWN CALM DOWN!! It will be over tomorrow...I just gotta give this pastries to her and just don't do anything stupid *Slaps herself* OW!!

....To Be Continued...

New Chapters coming soon ☺️

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