Chapter 2: Nervous Dash

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Rainbow Dash: Hey Stop Pinkie!!

Pinkie Pie: *still pushing her through the corridors* Come on, Let's giddy up, We have to find your locker and get you to class, we still have 9 Minutes Left

Rainbow Dash: *Getting Too nervous* Y-yeah...

Pinkie Pie: *stops and looks at her* Oh come on Rainbow Dash, Don't be nervous again, Come on I'll give you a tour!! *Pulls Rainbow Dash Again*

Rainbow Dash: WOAH!!

[Much Much Tours later]

Pinkie Pie: And Our Last Stop is Your Locker *smiles*

Rainbow Dash: W-what?! You gave me a tour to the Principal's Office, the vice principals office, the student counselors office, the detention room, the Bathrooms, the Locker rooms and 5+ Other Classrooms and Corridors and our last stop is my Locker?!

Pinkie Pie: Yep!! Isn't it fun?! *Gives her a big smile* ◉‿◉

Rainbow Dash: ಠ_ಠ Pinkie....We wasted almost 8 Minutes for that Tour you just gave me...I only have 1 Minute just to put up of my locker

Pinkie Pie: Ooohhhh, Well Good luck, I'll be heading to my class now *Hugs Rainbow Dash and speed walks to her Room*

Rainbow Dash: Pinkie Wa- and now she's gone, Well time to Speed Fix my locker and just find her again *sighs*

[10 Seconds Later]

Rainbow Dash: And Done!! *Pants a bit* Now I'll just have to find Pinkie P-


Rainbow Dash: DANG IT I'M GETTING LATE!! *Uses her Super Speed to get to her classroom* COME ON COME ON COME ON!!

[Meanwhile In Her Classroom]

Ms Cheerilee: Okay students, time for a Name Call, Say "I" when you're called *looks at the Class Attendance Book* Hmmm...Pinkie Pie?

Pinki Pie: Ai Ai, Ms Cheerilee

Ms Cheerilee: Pinkie Pie, We've been through this, Say "I" not "Ai Ai", this is not a Pirate Ship

Pinkie Pie: Ooohh I thought this was a Pirate Ship *makes a smile* (•ᴗ•)

Ms Cheerilee: Right...Hmmmm Rainbow Dash? *Looks at her seat*  Rainbow Dash? *Looks at the time* She's almost 1 Minute late

Rainbow Dash: *Bumps onto the door* BLURGH!! OW!!

Ms Cheerilee: *Looks at The door and opens it* Oh My Goodness, Are you Okay?

Rainbow Dash: *A Bit Dizzy* Better....than..never, Pal *shakes her head* Huh? What?! Am I Late?!

Ms Cheerilee: *Looks at the time* You're 1 Minute Late, Ms Dash

Rainbow Dash: *Stands up* Oh come on!!

Ms Cheerilee: Since You're late, I'll give you a chance, But you'll have to Introduce yourself infront of the whole class

Rainbow Dash: *gulps and shivers* I-i-in-troduce?!

Ms Cheerilee: It's fine, Rainbow Dash,  I'm sure you can handle it, now come inside and Introduce yourself

Rainbow Dash: *Shivers while walking slowly in the classroom*

Pinkie Pie: *Waves at her* 👋😀

Rainbow Dash:*looks at her in shocked* What?!

Ms Cheerilee: *Closes the door* Now Introduce yourself to the class, Ms Dash

The Whole Class: *looks at Her*

Pinkie Pie: *Shouts* YOU CAN DO IT!!

Rainbow Dash: Uuuhhmmm...*shivers a lot and gets too sweaty* Uuhhmmm.
I'm Rainbow Dash...and...I Only Live 20 minutes away...*suddenly bows and super speed runs to her Seat next to pinkie Pie

Ms Cheerilee: Uuhhmmm..very good introducing to yourself, Rainbow Dash, now let's continue the Name Call

Pinkie Pie: *looks at RD* You Okay?

Rainbow Dash: *eats the candy she gave her and covers her face*

Pinkie Pie: Awww You're Welcome *Pats her Back*

[To Be Continued]

Word Count: 581

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