Chapter 9: BFF Hangout [Part 1]

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12:30 AM

Rainbow Dash: *slowly wakes up from her nap* Hmmmm...What a nap..How long was I sleepi-

*Her Phone Suddenly Rang*

Rainbow Dash: *looks at her phone and picks it up* Hello?

Pinkie Pie: Hey Dashy!!

Rainbow Dash: GEEZ!! DON'T SHOUT!! It's only morning

Pinkie Pie: Oh? It's Already 12:30, and almost Afternoon

Rainbow Dash: HUH?! I'M LATE FOR SCHOOL!!

Pinkie Pie: What? *Chuckles* It's Saturday, Dash

Rainbow Dash: Oh...*embarrassed laugh* Hehe Sorry, I thought it's still school

Pinkie Pie: So? Are you free later?

Rainbow Dash: hmm? Why? *Curious a bit*

Pinkie Pie: Let's Hangout!!

Rainbow Dash: GAH!! DON'T SHOUT!! *Scratches her ear* Geez

Pinkie Pie: Sorry Dashy, Let's hang out later, Please?

Rainbow Dash: Fine fine, just please don't shout again

Pinkie Pie: THANKS!! *Hangs up the call*

Rainbow Dash: 👁️👄👁️ Ow *hangs up the call as well* Hmmm..Geez why does she shout all the time?


Pinkie Pie: *Knocks into Dash's door* RAINBOW DASH!!

Rainbow Dash: WAIT!! I'll be there, gimme a sec

Pinkie Pie: 1!! *Knocks at her door again*

Rainbow Dash: NOT LITERALLY!! *Falls Down the Stairs*  OW OW OW OW OW OUC-

Pinkie Pie: *Busts opens the door* FBI OPEN UP!!

Rainbow Dash: *On the floor unconscious*

Pinkie Pie: RAINBOW DASH?! *Wakes her up* RAINBOW DASH!! *Cries on her shoulder* WAAAHHH!!

Rainbow Dash: *slowly wakes up* Mmhhh..Huh? *Looks at Pinkie Pie* Pinkie?

Pinkie Pie: Oh Hey you're awake *she gives Rainbow Dash a smile*

Rainbow Dash: ಠ_ಠ Wot? You were fake crying the whole time?

Pinkie Pie: Nah I was actually crying, But when you woke up I got happy

Rainbow Dash: ಠ︵ಠ Why-

Pinkie Pie: Now come on, we're late for our Hangout *helps her stand up*

Rainbow Dash: Fine Fine *slowly stands up*

...Later In The Mall...

Pinkie Pie: We're Here!!

Rainbow Dash: The Pastry Store? Why are we gonna hangout at this?

Pinkie Pie: we're not gonna hangout here, We're hanging out in my place, but first will Buy some Cupcakes to eat

Rainbow Dash: You made me Walk to the whole darn mall, just so we can go to this Place?!

Pinkie Pie: YEAH!! Wasn't that fun? *She smiles at her*

Rainbow Dash: I Wanna Say no, but I don't wanna break a promise, But Yes, I Had Fun ಠ_ಠ

Pinkie Pie: Oh Yey!! Now let's buy some cupcakes!!

Rainbow Dash: *Sighs* Fine!!

To Be Continued

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