Chapter 2: Friends

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Iwaizumi POV

People say they always wonder what's going on in Oikawa's head whenever he zones out like that, when he seems to leave our world and enter his own, but I already know the answer. It's not that hard to tell, to be honest.


There is nothing going on in there, not a single light switched on.

His head is like a volleyball, only a mixture of oxygen, nitrogen, carbon dioxide and a couple other elements swirling around without much use except for keeping it from going flat. Oh, and another reason is just because sometimes I just feel like smashing it against the fucking GROUND.

"Iwa-channnn," He cooed, clarifying my point. "I'm bored already. Entertain me."

"Entertain yourself."

"But I'm not entertaining!"

I cracked a smile at him. "Trust me, everyone knows that."

"I – I didn't mean it like that!" He puffed up his cheeks, too cute to actually look mad.

I smirked at –




"Iwa-chan?" He tilted his head, raising an eyebrow. "You good there?"

Shit. "D-did I say that out loud?"

"Say what out loud?" Oikawa had that kind of smile that seemed to say 'you're starting to scare me'. "What are you thinking about?"

"Nothing important," I said coolly (at least, as cool as I could in that situation).

I turned my face away as I screamed madly in my head. Sure, he's cute, everyone knows that. It's what he's famous for. That's the only reason I called him cute, right?


Sneaking a glance back at the brunette boy, I felt my face flush. He was looking out the window again, his lips pursed slightly as if he was thinking. He seemed to feel the weight of my stare, whipping around and making awkward eye contact.

His lips parted, as if he was going to say something –

We were interrupted by a pinkish-brunette boy sticking his head between us. "Yo, whaddup bitches."

Oikawa squinted at him. "Why do you say things like this Makki-chan?"

The boy shrugged, kneeling down between our seats as his best friend kneeled on the opposite side of the desks, facing him. Hanamaki and Mattsukawa grinned at each other, before turning to face Oikawa and I.

"Were you guys gonna kiss, or something?" Mattsukawa raised his eyebrows.

"EH?!" Oikawa launched out of his seat, his face red as a warning light.

Without a second thought I jabbed the dark-haired boy in the back of the neck, not realising the only place his head could fall was straight forward. Mattsukawa's face slammed against the wood, his best friend in tears (tears from laughter, not sadness, in case you thought Hanamaki actually had empathy).

"Shut up, you idiots," I huffed, as Hanamaki ended up on the floor, the result of literally laughing his ass off. "You know we aren't soulmates."

"Yeaaaah, suuure," Mattsukawa smirked. "And how exactly have you figured that out?"

Sliding my sleeve up to show my forearm, I turned to face Mattsukawa. "Look." He pursed his lips as he surveyed the tattoo currently on my wrist.

The word 'FRIENDS' in thick black.

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