Chapter 15: Café Macchiato

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Oikawa POV

I'm pretty.

It's become apparent that everyone I meet agrees with this statement, judging from the amount of compliments I get on a daily basis (and if they don't agree then they're probably lying). But even with the blessing of my looks, I still found it hard to find an outfit that would actually look good for the date tonight.

It took several attempts of holding clothes up against my body, seeing what colours work well with each other, and what kind of look I'm trying to go for. Am I trying to look masculine or feminine? Slutty or sweet?

I put so much effort into my looks and don't even get paid for them.

After about an hour, I was down to three options. Option 1: a white button up with waist high black jeans, black converse and a fedora. Okay maybe the fedora was a bit much.

Option 2: a plain white shirt with a peach pink letterman jacket, and black shorts. The jacket was cute, but was it too simple?

Option 3: this one's a bit riskier. A blue pleated skirt with a white singlet, and a clear plastic jacket over the top. The gay metre went way up with this one. Maybe even my platform sneakers? I'd end up almost 10 centimetres taller than him and I really do not want to see how that would go down.

I let out a groan as I carded a hand through my hair.

Normally my sister would be around to help me with this kind of stuff, but she was off taking care of Takeru, so I was left to do all the decision making for myself.

After what felt like another hour, I'd removed option 3 from the list. The world isn't ready for that one yet.

"1 or 2, 1 or 2, 1 or 2," I repeated, muttering under my breath. "1 . . . or . . . 2 . . . 1 . . ."

A ping came from my phone, the screen lighting up.

Iwa-chan <3: why are you thinking about numbers?

You: huh?

Iwa-chan <3: I just got a tattoo saying 1 or 2

You: oh haha pick one

Iwa-chan <3: ?

Iwa-chan <3: 1

Chuckling, I picked up the fedora. Maybe I was thinking a little too hard on this – so hard that I managed to alert my soulmate.

We'd decided on a typical café date at a cosy area just out of town – not usually my kind of thing, but I make exceptions for Iwa-chan.

Cold wind hit my face the instant I stepped out of the house, converse hitting the pavement with a sharp slap. Winter didn't seem like it was going to yield anytime soon, with grey clouds threatening snow above me and skeletal trees beside me, branches bare. Not many people were out in this kind of weather, especially since it was getting dark quickly – but they were missing out. My suburb has a strange beauty to it at night; with the warm lights cast from houses reflecting off the clouds, lampposts giving the area a period feeling.

It made me feel like I was living in a music video anytime I stepped outside.

Humming a lilting tune, I pulled the brim of my fedora lower over my eyes, tapping my shoes with every step as if I were a movie detective. It was childish and no doubt my neighbours would be whispering from behind curtains about how the Oikawa kid next door is probably on some sort of drugs – but I didn't care.

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