Chapter 5: Questions and Lies

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Iwaizumi POV

Do you know those scenes in horror movies when the protagonist discovers the corpse, covered in blood, sitting in an empty room and when they step inside the door slams and locks behind them and they're all alone, the horrible smell of blood and decomposition intoxicating their lungs and chills and shudders covering their skin like oil and them ending up paralysed and shaking?

That's the feeling I was experiencing.

Except there was no horror movie, no locked room and no corpse.

So you may question how I am currently feeling this way with no possible explanation as to why.

I'll tell you.


For each letter stencilled on my wrist I felt a tug at my heart and a cold chill sweep down my spine. I spent a strong five minutes contemplating every possibility that could mean my soulmate didn't have . . .

Maybe it was a friend or family member going through this, maybe it wasn't really my soulmate, maybe they're just learning about it to become a doctor or something, maybe . . .

So many maybes.

But there was one thing I knew for sure: I needed to find my soulmate.


The speed at which I ran down the stairs was one I'd never managed to reach before, but I guess that's what unreasonable panic does to your body. My dad was sitting at the dinner table as my mother lay a plate in front of him.

"What's with the extra zoom there, kiddo?" He laughed.

I didn't answer. "You said you know who my soulmate is," I turned to my mother. "Can you tell me?"

"I thought I already said," She wiped the sweat off her brow, the result of leaning over a boiling stove. "You have to figure it out for yourself."

"Yes, I know, but can you please tell me? Like, now?"

"Why? Also why did you come down those stairs so fast? I wouldn't be surprised if you tore straight through the carpet."

"I just want to know. Right now. Like, urgently."

"You still haven't explained why."

I groaned. "Because, um," Thinking of an excuse for this wasn't as easy as I thought it would be. Especially since when put on the spot, my brain seems to function far slower than normal, when the reaction should be the complete opposite. If humans were still wild, I would probably be dead by now. "A lot of my friends have already found their soulmates. I don't wanna be left out."

Good. That'll be good enough. She'll buy that. She always buys that –

"What friends?"

God fucking damnit.

The rest of dinner went in a similar manner, with my parents both refusing to say anything about my soulmate – even though I can't be sure they actually know.

By the time we were finished, I hadn't managed to learn a single thing.

"Futile," I muttered as I fell onto my bed, face first. "Fucking futile."

My phone pinged, sending my jumping out of my own skin.

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