Chapter 18: Truth or Dare

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Matsukawa POV

(A/N: a little filler chapter with everyone's favourite meme team because angst is depressing to write)

I made sure to step over every crack as we walked along the path, heading towards the train station. According to a frantic message Makki sent me, a trip to the mall was desperately needed. "How exactly would one go about murdering a classmate?"

Makki followed my lead, stretching over the miniscule ravines. "And why exactly does one need to know this?"

"A bitch took my pencil and didn't give it back."

"Take their spine and see how they like the karma."

I watched Makki smirk as he purposely landed his foot between the pavements, muttering, "That's what you get for taking my switch, mum."

Narrowing my eyes, I regulated my pace. "So why was I roped into this mall trip again?"

"Because. The mall is the best place for truth or dare."

"Truth or dare?!"



"Yes, now keep walking."

Bustling past a few middle schoolers blocking the entrance (using our 'magical senpai powers' as Makki called it – though I'm pretty sure it's just because we're tall) we wandered our way through the mall.

"So." Makki grinned at me. "Truth or dare bitch."

"Profanities," I fake gasped. "Anyway, you know me. Dare."

He rubbed his hands together. "Ohoho this should be fun."

We'd come to the agreement that the dares have to avoid spending the little money in our pockets, but that didn't seem to stop Makki from shoving me towards a Starbucks. We got a few wary glances from people walking past.

Makki raised the collar of his jacket like a Bond villain. "I dare you to order water, ice and whipped cream."

"That's easy –"

"Under the name Big Daddy."

Scratch that; he was worse than a Bond villain.

I'd managed it pretty easily, despite the urge to just turn my back and walk away when they asked for a name. The best part was watching the worker struggle as they called out my order, debating whether they should publicly embarrass themselves or just not give it to me.

It was more painful for the employee than it was for me honestly.

Don't worry, you will be avenged.

"So, Makki, truth or dare?" I swung one leg over the other as we reclined in the furniture store, the setting of our next onslaught.


"Okay so your dare is –"

He turned to glare at me. "Bitch what? I said truth."

"And that's boring. So your dare is –"

"I hate you."

"Love you too bae."

He sighed, running a hand through his bubblegum hair. "Fine. What's my dare?"

"Find the gayest clothes you can and wear them around the shop for 5 minutes."

"Easy peasy dickweed."

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