Chapter 4: She Knows

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Iwaizumi POV

Tossing Oikawa's volleyball up and down as I lay in bed watching Say Yes to the Dress is the best summary for my afternoon.

You may be wondering, why was I, a heterosexual man, doing this?

The answer is: I had nothing better to do.

I was bored; noticed his volleyball beside my bed; decided to turn my TV on but couldn't find the remote; Say Yes to the Dress was on and I couldn't be bothered to get up and go find said remote, so I ended up just getting hooked on whether Shoshana was going to get the 25,000 dollar dress she wanted (even though her entire entourage told her it didn't even look like a wedding dress) and found entertainment in that.


A slight rain still pattered against the roof, water hitting the shingles with a percussive crash. It would have been relaxing, if not for the persistent rumbling in my stomach reminding me that I skipped lunch.

But halfway through the episode, I noticed something while tossing the ball up from my chest. Something on my wrist.

On my skin, to be more precise.

It seemed 'FRIENDS' had disappeared and was now replaced by a small drawing. A crude sketch, most likely drawn by a young child. "So she has younger siblings?" I murmured, sitting up, the volleyball sinking into my duvet.

It was messy, and I couldn't exactly decipher every little detail, especially considering it was tattooed on my wrist and there isn't much space to work with there, but I could tell a couple things. For example: I could see the figure of a child looking into a mirror, something scribbled on the reflection that looked like ropes binding them.

All in all, it was somewhat terrifying. Especially considering that a small child drew it (or an adult that's fucking horrible at drawing, but I'm just gonna go with the former). Either way, it was my soulmates focus at the moment. Is she trying to give me a message? I stifled a laugh. "Of course, it's a message telling me that she's been kidnapped and bound by ropes and is being forced to stare at her reflection," I said dramatically to myself. "I must save her immediately. Be patient, my love!" I did the shameful act of laughing at my own joke as I fell backwards again, the duvet puffing up around me.

This is the kind of thing I like to assume Oikawa does when he's alone.

But despite the jokes, my attention was brought back my tattoo. "Who are you?" I sighed.

"Hajime!" A voice called, stealing my attention. "Hajime, come get some food."

Groaning, I responded with "I'm fine!"

Apparently this was not the response my mother wanted. "No you're not, you haven't eaten since you got home!"

"I'm busy!"

"I can hear your TV, so don't act like you're doing homework!" I heard the tap of her slippers as she made her way up the stairs. "What are you even watching?"

Guess I'm not gonna find out what Nubia's gonna get with her 1,000 dollar budget.

I scrambled for the remote, only realising I still had no idea where it was once my mother had gotten to my door. She opened it up just as I turned it off at the actual screen, nonchalantly sitting in front of my bookshelf. She arched an eyebrow, one hand on her hip. "Suspicious?"

"I'm looking for a book," I turned up my nose at her. "For homework. Not suspicious at all."

"You saying that makes it ten times more suspicious."

"Oh leave me alone."

"Not until you get some food in that stomach of yours," She poked my abs, a twisted and pursed look on her face. Sort of reminded me of Oikawa. "Just because you want a flat stomach doesn't mean you can't eat."

"Of course I'm gonna eat," I groaned, pushing her away. "Just not right now."

"Well, you better come get some food later," She left the room, but not before poking her head around the doorframe with a rehearsed scowl. "Or else I'll have to shove it down your throat." She punctuated the sentence with a grin as she breezed away.


"Have fun watching Say Yes to the Dress."

"Wow, thanks – wait, WHAT?!"

She knew?! Wait. Of course she knew.

She's my mother.

She knows everything.

Just like how she claims she knows who my soulmate is – but won't tell me, of course. I'm meant to figure it out for myself apparently, but how does she even know? Is it someone I used to be friends with? It wouldn't: my soulmate goes to Shiratorizawa, and I don't know anyone who goes there these days. Aside from that Ushiwaka dude that Oikawa rants about practically every day even when we're not even on the topic ("The sheer audacity that man has to tell me of all people that my decision to go to Aoba Johsai was wrong. I can't believe him! Like, the pure manifested confidence he must have to be able to look me in my face and tell me 'I should've come to Shiratorizawa'–").

The smell of ginger caught my attention.

Ah, seems my mother was on another one of her experiments again: trying with different food from different cultures.

It seemed tonight was Indian, and from what I could tell it was some sort of ginger curry. Just the smell made my stomach rumble and my mouth water. Her cooking was always the best.

Just as I was about to head downstairs to our recently remodelled kitchen, I noticed something. The tattoo on my wrist had changed. Within a couple minutes maybe, it had already swapped from the messy sketch to this. I guess she always has a lot on their mind. With a breezy laugh, I raised my wrist up to my face . . .

And felt my stomach drop.

(A/N: HAHA cliffhanger. Welp, there isn't much of a storyline anyway, so I'm surprised people are even reading this, thank you guyssss. Hopefully I figure something out ^^)

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