Prey In Denial

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"Let go of me, dammit!"

"You are really annoying to deal with, you know?"

The human kept up his fight as the lions dragged him down a hall, going into a bare room with nothing but a chair. He found himself released roughly, much to his annoyance. All he could do was glare at the two suited felines that eyed him warily. To his luck (or rather planet-sized chagrin), it was the glasses-lion and the one that initially brought him. He clenched his fists even as his body shook, not wanting to back down in the slightest.

"You're pretty aggressive for a human.", the glasses-lion said as he crossed his arms. "Some say they're weak, even more than herbivores in some cases."

Alan slowly raised one of his hands to the side of his face, "Then how's about I show you just how weak I am?"

He froze, moving his hand away and looking at his nails.

They aren't grown out, he thought, Why?

"What...", he muttered out loud as he looked at his other hand and found the same result.

    It shouldn't be like this. Every time he got angry, his nails grew faster. If his previous outburst was anything to go by, they should've been grown out fully by now! The one time his wolf-half can be of some use, and it refuses to cooperate. He growled in frustration, now what can he do? Sure, he could take on a carnivore like Bill, but these are full-grown men. He doesn't stand a chance!

"Just give it up.", the second lion broke his thoughts. "Chances are your friend's already dead, or she's about to be. If you quit now, he may not be very forceful with you."

"Go to hell!", he rushed him and threw a punch. The feline caught it swiftly before doubling over as he got a knee to the stomach. Alan reared his other fist back and landed a hard blow to his face, knocking the lion's head to the side.

"Damn brat!", the human didn't have time to react before a glaring pain entered his gut, a hard kick knocking him to the ground before a boot pressed hard to his chest. He grabbed it and tried to push it off, doing nothing but making it press harder.

"You think you're so damn tough, don't you? I honestly wish more humans were like you, but then I'd get pissed off by how cocky they'd be!"

The boot pressed harder and Alan's breath hitched, "It's no wonder they isolated themselves from animals— they're so damn weak they can't even compare to carnivores or herbivores."

"You're...wrong.", he struggled.

"Then how come you're the only human in the city? How come they're so rare just finding one is a task in itself? They're weak, and they know it."

"Shut the hell up!", he swung his leg up hard and managed to hurt the lion on a much more intense (and "personal") level. He got up only to freeze when he heard a very clear click, cold metal pressing to the side of his head.

"That's enough.", the glasses-lion said coldly. "Whether you like it or not, you're here as a meal for our boss. Even if you can fight, it'd be useless."

Alan found himself kicked down again, the gun pushing to his forehead with the lion leaning over him with a scowl, "Now here's what is going to happen..."

"You're going to stay in here until the boss wants you. I'm sure he'll be more than eager to have you after he's done with your friend."

His heart thumped painfully in his chest, "I suggest you stay right where you are. If you try to escape or even fight one of us off, the last thing you'll see is one of these pointed at your head."

The gun pressed harder for emphasis, "You can spin it any way you like, but to us, you're just a weak little human."

It slowly left his head as he lay frozen, "No claws, no strength, and no instincts to be seen. Just a walking corpse waiting to happen."

The world blurred around him as he heard the door open, "You're the most basic form of prey there is, and yet you're so rare..."

The door shut, and the room was silent.

    Alan couldn't bring himself to move, body completely numb to his surroundings. Never before had he felt so much terror, his heart running a mile a minute and every beat felt painful. He couldn't get up, something in his head screaming to not make things worse for himself. He didn't want to stay down, though, not with Haru in danger. What can he do, though?

    Those lions are stronger, bigger, and even faster than him. Not only that, but the guns are a major red flag. Did he have anything on them at all? Was he just getting lucky instead of actually managing to hold his own against them? He never felt so ashamed to be human— so helpless and pathetic. They don't see him as anything but a weakling...

"Humans are so few and far between, seeing one is akin to finding treasure.", those words felt different now.

"You wouldn't know because you're human. You should see it as a blessing you have no carnivorous instincts."

He hated it, being treated as weak just because he's human. It happened even before now, and he had no idea everyone had those thoughts. The glances on his first day, the exchange program, everything! Was it all just some ploy to have a human in their midst? Were they just doing it out of pity for humans in general? Were humans even isolated from animals in the first place?

Did he ever stand a chance? At almost every turn, he faced the problems head-on in one way or another. The fight in the cafeteria, Bill and Legosi in the second play performance, Will threatening to expose him. In those moments, he didn't back down and followed through (mostly) all the way. This wasn't like those times, though. This was bigger, deadlier, and much more serious.

Damn it..., his eyes glazed over. I'm nothing compared to them, compared to anyone! What's the point in trying...

He took a shaky breath and clenched his fists, "Haru...I'm so sorry."



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