The Return

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Alan was quiet the next morning, getting up in silence and waiting outside for Legosi and Haru. He managed to make himself look a little better, but his neck was still red. He decided to pop his collar up to keep from drawing any more attention than he already got. The train ride was tense, mostly because of the human's demeanor. He seemed worse than before, almost lost in some way. He avoided their gazes even when they finally made it back to the festival area.

    Some of the Drama Club members were there, namely Bill, Dom, and Juno. They were shocked to see the three, much less the state they were in. Bill in particular seemed to have some idea of what happened, mainly by the way he glanced between the three with a raised stripe over his eye. They didn't pay it any mind, though, making their way back to campus.

    Alan stayed with Legosi while Haru went off on her own. The two went to the infirmary, mostly for the wolf but also because of the human's neck. He was given an ice pack to reduce the redness after a few hours of applying it, while Legosi had to get his arm stitched up and a bandage over his eye. The carnivore dorm housemother had come in as well, mainly going at them about missing curfew and almost being late for their classes. She seemed to avoid the subject of the Shishigumi, which didn't surprise Alan in the slightest. It was easy to see just how much power they had in their name alone, based on what he saw and heard.

Surprisingly, Juno had come to see them— well, mainly Legosi.

"I knew you would come back.", the female wolf said cheerfully.

"Y-you did?", the male asked.

"Of course.", she smiled as she sat at the end of the bed. "I know you better than anyone else in this school. We both share the strength of a wolf."

Oh, no., Alan thought as he moved his gaze to the window. I can tell where this is going, and I really don't like being apart of it.

"I...heard your talk with the housemother.", she said after a moment. "You saved Alan and a bunny from the Shishigumi..."

"I believe you! You both must've been through a great ordeal.", she continued. "You look so beat up."

He does, but not me., the human thought as he pressed the ice to his neck harder.

"Legosi-senpai, you told me that an animal can be relaxed in the heart if they touch an animal of the same species. This is a perfect time to touch me! Let's help each other!"

Alan had to glance back at them uncomfortably, Why is my mind taking that into a really inappropriate place..? Also, why would she say it that way?! Oh god, it's just like last night!

"...Thank you.", Legosi said as he lowered his gaze. "But I actually feel oddly calm right now."

"That's a lie! A delusion!", she grabbed his hand. "Doesn't this make you feel relaxed? Doesn't this make you feel calm?!"

"Hey, Senpai! What happened between you and that bunny?! Are you going out with her? Because you can't! It's very wrong!"

"Juno...", Alan said quietly, hearing the desperation in her words.

"You're right.", Legosi suddenly said. "It is very wrong. I only saved her to protect my ego, and now I realize I'm completely fine with that."

"That's why...I don't think there's anything special between us."

Alan could see the look on the female wolf's face, and she did not look well.

"That's even worse.", she said as she stood up. "The way you're talking...makes it sound like your love for her is pure! Don't you get it?!"

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