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"Hey Sawn what is going to happen to that place that you visit everyday?" The second that I said Sawn jumped from his seat and said he will be right back in a hour or two. He ran out of Okita place and then he was gone in that very second.

I looked at Okita and then asked "Hey do you know where he goes I just asked because you knew him longer that I." I bunch up the end of my selves of my jacket trying to hold on the tears because I felt that he was keeping something big from me. With all this going I could tell that Okita knew I was worried and confused about all this because he wrapped on of his arms and pulled me close to him. "Hey dont worry about because I am here okay" Okita told me. I was still scared about Sawn being gone. I tired to roll in a ball but he pulled me into a hug. His warmth made me feel safe and then I asked "hey if he comes and tries to take me can you end him please?" I pull grabbed his selves and with this question his eye widen. Then he seemed a little angry but then he asked "You want me to kill Sawn I thought you were his friend?" I jumped out of his arms and started to cry as I cletched my fists. I was so amgry that it could burst out me because he thought Sawn being the one that hurt me. After thinking a bit I realized that he would not know about him so I calmed down after a bit. "No it is not Sawn it is that monster I called a friend and one time a boyfriend" I tired to say but my voice was shaky because the last time he found me. I grabbed my arms and fall to the floor the pain didn't bother me at all.

I felt Okita hand on my face "please can you tell me what he did to you so terrified right now please because I will do as you say but I must know okay." He then picked me off from the floor and we went to his bed so we would be more comfy than sitting in his small living room. The living was small and narrow I did understand how he lived but it was only because of me. We got to his bedroom and we both sat on his bed. Okita sat next to me and gave a side hug.

Then I started to tell what happen that one night that me fear this monster. It was a hot night During the summer and I was hanging out with Jake because at the time we were going out. During our walk along the river a tree branch I thought that only grazed my arm but it made a large gash in my arm. The pain was so bad and blood was running down my arm. I tired to cover it but Jake was already there to help me. "Hey Sky are you okay your bleeding everywhere!" Jake yelled at me not realizing how loud he was at the time. In all honesty I wish he was louder that night because I would have not been scared like this ever. When Jake saw that my wound was closing it by itself after I placed my on it he grabbed my hand. "What the hell kind of freak are you hahahaha" his laugh was not the normal one that he had this one was one of a monster. He then grabbed my arm with a grip that would have broken someone's arm. He started to pull I tried to get free from his grip but nothing was working. "What are you doing Jake you are hurting me!" I yelled at him. "NO I KNEW SOMETHING WAS DIFFERENT ABOUT YOU BUT NOW I MUST SEE HOW YOU WORK!!" Jake yelled at the top his lungs. I was terrified because what was going to happen to me. Then after he yelled he hit me with a rock making me pass out. Then I knew I was in a basement but I could not move because I was being tied up. Jake started to walk down the stairs. When I saw his face that I was going to die and Sawn, Armin had no idea where I was at. "I am going to die" I muttered to myself. Then I saw a chain come down to my stomach.  The pain was so much it felt like it was on fire. Jake continued to hit me with chains what felt like days but it was only for a couple hours and that the pain was so much that I felt like I was on fire forever. "HOW DO YOU WORK YOU MONSTER!!!" Jake yelled at the air. Then with all the pain my mind started to go hazy. I then heard gun shots but I never saw Jake covered in blood so did he shoot someone or did he dodge them. After the shots were done I saw blue hair in my face. "Ughhhhh" I gasp for air then saw blood coming from my mouth. When I looked up and saw Jake had threw a knife into my stomach. After I noticed that knife was in me I realized that the blue hair man was Sawn. Sawn got me out of the ties and picked me up and yelled "NEXT TIME I SEE YOU I WILL PUT A DAM BULLET IN YOUR HEAD!"  Normal people would have been scared but Jake just laughed. Sawn ran up stairs with me in his arms he then told me that my eyes look like the lost life and that he will never let anything happen to me.

Remembering this painful memory I started to cry but Okita hugged me from the back. "I will kill that asshole if he ever touches you." Okita said as his hug became tighter. I could sense that he was angry with himself because he couldn't help at all because he was in a slumber of memories. I turned around and kiss him because I loved him. "Hey Okita do you care if we go to sleep together I do not want to be alone right now?" He nodded his head and than we layed together he layed behind me cuddling my back. This was the first time in awhile that Sawn or Armin were not here and I felt safe for once. I fell into a deep slumber but Okita stay up for a little bit longer until falling asleep also.

In was deep into the night when I heard the door open. I just passed it off because I knew that Sawn and Armin were coming to here. Then I heard the door open to the bedroom I thought it was Sawn just making sure that I was safe but he went to Okita with a needle. "It will not kill sweetheart just make sure that he can not move until your gone." The shadowy man said. He placed the needle into Okita. Okita woke up after the needle was in him and then try to grab his sword but he lost all strength and fell to the ground. "Does she have another dog protecting her funny she will be my little monster forever" the shadowy man said till I noticed it was Jake. "Ja..ja.jake" I said in a shaky voice as backed up in the bed. I did not have time to run away because he grabbed my arm. He gave me a smile only a monster would give. I started to cry because I might die this time. "Hey don't worry I will find you no matter what just think of me please..." Okita said to me feeling helpless because he could not move to save me after he said that he would protect me no matter what.  "I will Oki..okita." I tired to say over the tears. Then Jake threw me over his shoulders and then walked out of the room. As we left the room I saw Okita crying.

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