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I started to roll around the bed causing the blanket to be wrapped around my whole body.

"So soft and fluffy," I muttered to myself while being half asleep.

As I rolled around in the bed I got to close to the edge of the bed. I tried to move into the middle of the bed but instead, I roll off the bed. "owww!" I screamed at the floor. After a couple of seconds of falling on the floor Okita came into the room. "are you okay?" He came up to me to make sure that I was okay.

Him doing this reminded the times that Sawn and Armin made sure that I was okay.

"I just rolled off the bed so I am okay. You do not have to worry okay Okita." I told him as he helped me up from the floor.

He placed me on the bed and walked out of the room for a second. "I'll be right back gotta make sure that Sawn can get in or he will kill me." I was happy that Okita was here with me. It has been a long time that I felt happiness like this.

The last time that I felt like this was when both my mother and father were both alive. When I was little my mother was always with me while my father took care of all of the business that he was running. On the weekends my father would take the day off to spend time with us. We would spend the whole day together and have so much fun. It made me happy because he would be there to spend time with me. Being with people that cared about me made very happy. The guys being with me now and caring about me made happy. Thinking about all of these memories I curled up to a ball but I was not sad it was a good thing.

"I guess I have to stay alive so I can make the people that make me happy not sad." I said to myself.

I got out of my ball and stood up from the bed. When I was complety up I walked out of the bedroom to the place that Okita was at. He looked like he was at peace I think that he was happy that I was not in danger for the moment. I did not make much noise so he did not noticed that I was out of the room. With him not realizing that I was out of the room I hugged him from behind. He made a light sound but he sounded happy.

When I hugged him I noticed that he was still wet from his shower. I guess that he came to make sure that I was okay the second he got out of the shower.

"Hey your hair is still wet you are going to catch a cold." He laughed at me and told me that was something that I did back then.

"Hey don't laugh at me or I will fight you." I growled at him as I grabbed a towel that I saw in the room.

I tired to reach him to dry his hair but I was too short. After trying for a second to reach him I learned that I could not do it. So my plan was to get on the couch and do it. That plan also failed me because with his hair being wet it dripped on the couch which was leather. The second that I tired to get on the couch and slipped. I made a squeak sound as I fell but I didn't fall to the floor because Okita caught me.

"I guess your already falling for me that much" he said in a cute tone as he held me in his arms. I did not fight or got angry at him because I care about him. "Shut up you know that I love you" I told him as he hugged me tighter.

He was so warm like that one time when we were on the way to edo back in the past. It was daylight so we had to stop because we were both furies back then. I was struggling to go sleep not being used to my fury body. He was a fury longer than me and kept telling me that if I did not sleep that I would not last any longer. So he grab me tight and held me close to him so the sun was on me and also that he could protect me.

With me remembering this I realized that I was still sleepy and blurted "I am hungry and sleepy blahhhhh!" While yelling this I tired to wiggle out of his grip. It was not easy because he was strong. I kept trying and trying but I couldn't get free.

"Is someone trying to escape?" He said as he let me go.

When my feet hit the wood floor a chill went down my whole body. I sighed because I knew why I was freezing now. He just got out of the shower and was still soaking wet when he save from falling.

Without even asking he threw a towel at me. After catching the towel I dried off. Even though I wet from being held by Okita my hair was still wet. So I looked around his apartment for a string or a hair tie. Without putting my hair up was gonna be a nightmare. My long brown hair was always a mess if it was down.

While I was looking Okita yelled from the Kitchen "What do you like to eat."

The only thing that I could do was laugh becuase the only thing that I ate was instant ramen. I tried to avoid the question because I knew I was gonna be scolded. I tired to eat other foods but I was always in hermit mode. Another thing is that I was the worst cook. I could only make simple meals which caused to a have a ramen addiction. There was a time that I set the kitchen on fire while cooking.

"Hehehe I like instant ramen but not much hehehe..." I said while giving a weird laugh. After saying that he came into the room where I was trying to find something to put my hair up.

He glared at me and said "are you eating okay or do I need to kill Sawn?"

"I eat okayish but I choose to eat instant ramen because I can not cook good and neither can they hehehehe." I said with an awkward smile.

He just let out a small chuckle and patted me on the head. "Then I am going to make you ramen but not that cup shit. I can cook pretty good now since then." He then walked out of the room back into the kitchen.

I was remembering when he made food that he would put too much salt in food. He was still better than at me cooking still even he put too much salt on food. I still set a whole kitchen on fire. While I was remembering all this I found a hair tie on the floor.

"Victory!" I yelled as I placed my hair up. My hair was now not a complete mess anymore.

After I placed my hair I started to smell what Okita was making. I knew it was something that had chicken. The last time that I had something cooked for me at a house was when my mother was alive.

When I left the room that I was in I asked him what he was making. He told that he making ramen but fancy ramen compared to what I normally ate.

"Just a little more of this and then DONE!" He yelled as he place a couple of more spices in the ramen. He then place the ramen into the bowel. The smell of the food was so amazing like something out of a tv show or movie. He gave me some chopsticks to eat with and that first bite sent me to another world. The food had so much favor. Each bit was better than the last. I was wondering how he was such a good cook vs back than but I guess it was because that we are new people but the same.

"How did you learn how to cook like this?" I asked with my face stuff with noodles.

"I was taught by the family that took me in as a child. It was kinda cool because both of them were really famous Chiefs. They always treated me like one of their own." He said as he clean up the stuff he used.

I thank him for the food. After I was done eating I grabbed his hand and took him to his room. "What are you doing?" He asked as I pulled him.

"I am still sleepy and the food made so sleepy." When I said that he just laughed. We laid on the bed and fell fast asleep.

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