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××___Warning this chapter has signs of abuse and torture__××

My vision was blurred because of my tears. "Oki..oki..okita please" I said under my breath hoping that Jake would not hear me.

"Do not try to talk or I will just you now!" Jake yelled at me.

It was so dark I could not barely see anything. It started to rain where we were at. My hair was soaked with rain water and it became heavy. "Geez this rain is making you so fucking heavy like the fuck." Jake barked at me.

Just before I knew the rain had stop or was it that we were in a building. I cant tell but I knew that I was going to die from his wrath. "Here is were you will for the rest of your life! So get comfy." Jake told me as he toss me on the ground and attached me with chains.

"Tommorow I will start the fun with you hahahaha." Jake told me as a sinister smile.

Why cant this be all a bad dream. "But if this was a bad dream I will lose the people that care about" I told myself. My sadness had became something that I wish I could wash with my tears.

"Hey do not be sad Chizuru you will see the sky again." A voice sad in my head. "What was that or who was that." I asked myself confused. My eyes were wide with shock. My head start to throb in pain again. I started to cry because of the pain was intense just like the first time I met Kazama that day.

My eyes started to grew heavy. I did not want to go to sleep. I fell fast asleep. The next thing that happen is that I was awoken my a horrible pain. WACK WACK WACK I was awoken by Jake hitting me a whip. I had gashes that poured blood but they healed right away like normal.

"Your so interesting my child" Jake told me as he grabbed knives out of his pockets. "Blood I want to see you bleed and make so no one will ever die ahahahahaha!" Jake yelled as he threw knives at me. The pain took over my whole I just wanted to scream but if I did that he would be even worst.

The torture kept going on for hours and hours for the whole day. The floor was covered in my blood normal people would have been dead my now but I was different. My wounds kept closing up everytime they were place on my body. With all this going I gave up hope of living because I was surely gonna die.

"Please do not give up Chizuru ple-" The voice started to talk again but it was chain that came down and stopped the voice. My eyes lost there light and went dark. "I am going to die" I told myself as a bladed whip coming down at me this time.

Just as I gave the voice yelled at me agin "CHIZURU YOU MUST LIVE AND I WILL PROTECT YOU FOREVER!" This time was different a sword appeared in my hand the blade was in my left hand rather than my right. Another thing happen I caught a glimpse of my hair started to change color. "Purple hair what is going on....." My mind faded away into nothing.

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