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The room was very dark. My body was fast asleep but I need to get up because Sawn should be back soon. I tired to move but I felt like a stone statue. When my body did this I called the hermit power of laziness. I hated it because someone had to help me move. I do not know why this happen. No doctors can tell what it is so I guess I had to live with it. It sucked a lot and it was a pain in my ass. I try to be happy even though I have to deal with a lot of shit.

I could feel Okita moving next to me. He was very tired because he had to save me from him. I was happy that I could remember him at least. I was still wondering why I could remember many timelines though. Some still had black spots in my memories. I was worried about all this.

While thinking about all this I heard the door open. I was worried because the last time that door opened while we were asleep I was taken. Then I heard stuff moving around.

Then I heard Sawn yell "hey where are you guys at!?"

I could not move so I had to wait for Sawn to come in the room. It was weird this started when I met Sawn. I tired to flip and nothing. "If Sawn even came in here he would seeeee meeeee." I muttered to myself trying not to wake up Okita. I started to growl because Sawn was not in the room yet. The apartment is not that big at all. Then I heard the door started to open. I was so happy because I hated not being able to move at all.

Sawn looked around the room. He finally noticed that I was stuck in my hermit mode. After that he helped me up and move. I was happy because I could move again. When I was in full motion I walked in the living. I had to see what Sawn had brought me to wear. He was not good at picking clothes at all. I was surprised at what he got me because he got all the important stuff that I would have wanted. He got my charm bracelet and my bunny "SIR BUNNS!!" I yelled because I loved this bunny. My dad got it for me when I was little. It has been through a lot just like me. He had to be stitch more than once. It felt like every year sir buns was losing that yellow that he started with but that was okay.

"Now Sawn lets see if you be a girl and pick a good outfit." I pointed at Sawn.

When I pointed at Sawn he said "I tired but I had deal with some stuff."

I was looking through the backpack he packed it all in. I saw that he got my favorite hoodie. I got this hoodie from my first friend after my parents died. It has been over ten years since they died. It sucked not having any family because I could learn anything else about my family. While thinking about this I saw that he got my black converse, pants, and shirt and of course all the girls stuff. He did good at picking my clothes.

"Thank you Sawn. Well now time to talk to humans blahhhh." I said as I grabbed my cell phone off the table.

Sawn looked confused then asked "who do you need to call?"

"You remember that I don't buy anything expect the bacis. So, if I buying all this stuff I have to let my bank know so my card won't be locked for ever." 

So after making making so many calls the bank knew that I was gonna be make really big purchases today. They all sound terrified because I actually talked to them. The amount of money that I had at the time I could by a whole car lot. The number grew and grew still for me because my father was the founder of the company. I missed my dad so much. He lost after my mom had die in the wreck. I remember the day that he picked up the first bottle then it was game over for him.

I went to go wake up Okita but Sawn was already on it. I could tell he was a good person to wake him up because I heard "WAKE THE HELL UP YOU LAZY ASS!" I just sinked into the couch holding Sir Buns. Then after some yelling at each other I saw they both walked out of the room. They both looked tired but I guess this means that my journey begins today.

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